"Hermione wait," he shouted as he leapt out of the dinning room to follow her. He bounded into his room just as she was attaching her letter to Hedwig's foot.
"What is it Harry?" she asked.
"I've got a better idea, take a look at these," he said as he grabbed the paper package up off of his desk. Hermione opened it and saw the two mirrors inside.
Harry took one of the mirrors out and closed the other one up in the package. "This is a two way mirror. We'll send one to your parents and you can keep this one. Just tell them to say your name out loud and it should activate them."
"Harry!" she exclaimed, "This is wonderful, now I can talk to my parents easily all year long. This is the best gift anyone has ever given me."
Harry felt his face warm as she hugged him brieuy, "I'm glad you like it."
"Where did you ever get such rare magical objects anyway?" she asked as Harry fastened the package with the mirror, along with a note of explanation, to Hedwig.
"They belonged to Sirius," Harry said quietly, a pang of guilt stabbed his heart as he remembered that had he used the mirrors Sirius might still be alive.
"Oh, I'm so sorry Harry, I didn't mean…" Hermione said sympathetically.
"Its ok Hermione, I want them to be put to good use," Harry said.

After they had seen Hedwig off Harry grabbed a quill and some parchment before heading back downstairs so that he could make up a list of the things he wanted Molly to get him in Diagon ally. Harry sat down at the table across from Hermione, who was reading one of his books, and began trying to assemble all the things he needed. In retrospect Harry decided that he should have written things down as they came to him, but it was too late for that now. Ron and Ginny were playing a game of wizards' chess in the corner; Ginny was faring better against Ron than Harry usually did.

The first few items were easy enough, a set of full body dragon hide clothing for himself, Ron, and Hermione. The twins had given Harry this idea with their dragon hide vests. Dragon hide was very resistant to potions, acids, toxins, and even to minor spells. They'd do well to always have a set on underneath their robes to help protect them from a sucker shot in the back. He also had some potion ingredients that he had seen in various books that he wanted to try, but he couldn't remember them all. I can probably get the twins to send me stuV during the school year, Harry thought.
The last item was most difficult though, he had several ideas but none of them seemed good enough. He needed a great present for Hermione's birthday, but he didn't feel like settling for another book that she wanted. After all, with his library open she had tons of books at her fingertips anytime she wanted them. He knew that she didn't really care for clothes, jewelry, food, or any other typical "girl" gift.
Hermione wasn't likely to appreciate enchanted nick-knacks either, unlike Ron. Hermione needed an intellectual gift that wasn't a book. Harry thought back to Dumbledore's office and all it's little silver items, many of which had been dark detectors. Those would be useful, but they didn't seem to make a good birthday gift, more of a paranoid Moody gift.
Other than those there had been paintings and not much

else except his shelves with the pensieve. Harry grinned to himself; a pensieve would make the perfect gift for Hermione. She was bound to have tons of excess thoughts and with a pensieve she could even review her memories from class in a third person perspective.
After their third game Ginny quit playing chess so Harry went over to keep Ron occupied. After he found out he was going to be captain of the team he could barely keep himself still and with no twins to threaten to attach his badge to his forehead with a sticking charm Harry decided preoccupation was the only other choice. Harry tried to drag each move out and that strategy seemed to work for a while until he got bored.

Harry was barely on autopilot when Molly showed up to get their lists. When Harry gave her his she glanced at it and then looked at him sharply.
"Are you sure you want one of these?" she asked.
"Yes, but don't tell anyone, it's a surprise," Harry whispered. "Alright," she said, "I suppose it is very useful at times."
Molly urged her children to begin packing for school so that they wouldn't rush and forget things before leaving with the lists. Harry mumbled something about having already started so that he wouldn't have to hear Ron tease him about the mountain of books sitting in the bottom of his trunk. Ginny didn't complain, surprisingly, so Harry decided that she must have been so bored that packing seemed a nice diversion. As soon as they were all gone Hermione began fidgeting in her chair.

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