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This was no place for them. And they knew it. Ame had been invited to this party as an extra guest for a friend. The simple home-made dress was nothing compared to the big, beautiful, and extravagant dresses the other girls wore. They silently stepped into the back of the crowds of people and adjusted the plain white eye mask they had on. To their luck this was a masquerade, so no one would recognize them on sight. The music changed, a soft and magical tune filled the ballroom. Colored dresses made the dancefloor like a painting. Swatches of color swished across the floor. The poor teen wishes they knew who this party was for, maybe then they would know how under-dressed they were. A large table was covered with exotic foods and mouthwatering pastries. A chocolate fountain at the center with dipping fruits and sweetbreads. All the chocolate looked as if they were dusted in gold and silver. It all screamed wealth and power.

Music drastically changed. Trumpets sounded an arrival and all heads turned towards the main grand stairway entrance. There stood, tall and proud, the young Tzar and his siblings. He had a young beautiful, shaven face and piercing blue eyes. His dark blonde hair swooped back neatly, perfectly framing his face. He wore His white formal suit. The purple, blue, white, and golden top only accentuated it all. A feeling of dread and embarrassment flooded over Ame. They were at the Tzars birthday! In a common dress! It was a miracle that they were far from the action. They pursed their lips and looked around. Act like one of them they told themselves. There! There was an upper balcony with few people. They could hide and watch from there. Ame quickly grabbed a drink and held their head high, heading towards the back stairs and went up. Letting out a sigh of relief once he got up. Even the balcony was huge! The green velvet carpet complimented their dress. Red curtains were tied at either side of the railing. They stepped towards the white marble rails and gasped at the sight. It was only from here could the true beauty of it all was seen. Seven humongous Crystal chandeliers glistened in the light. The gold plated framework dancing up walls. The shouts of glee and surprise echoed up the tall walls. It felt like a dream. The emotions almost frighting them. But this was perfect. Noone to judge them. no one to mention their figure or height. Just..a strange beautiful peace.

"Это довольно подозрительно для кого-то быть здесь в одиночестве"

They jumped in surprise, quickly turning to see where the smooth deep voice came from. The color faded from their cheeks. They knew nothing of what was said but they did know the man in front of them. The Tzar himself stood only feet away, his tall stature dangerously obvious now. The blonde raised a bushy brow.

"Ты что, оглох?"

Ame panicked looking around. Struggling to remember what their friend taught them to say in these situations.

"я англичанин.." Their pronunciation was horrible but they hoped he would get the idea.

He looked puzzled for a moment then it clicked.

"Ah, my apologies. Why are you here alone?" His heavy accent made it a bit difficult but it was understandable.

"I don't like large crowds. I thought I could get some air up here." A coy smile pursed his lips.

"A bit strange for one to go to a party if crowds frighten them, no?" Heat spread across their cheeks as they laughed at themselves a bit.

"I suppose it is." Ame smiled at him.

They taller looked away for a moment, fidgeting with their hands.

"I mean no harm, but were you invited here?" They knew he was most likely referring to the overly simple dress they wore.

"I was brought as an extra guest for a friend of mine, I seemed to have lost her early into the night.." Please believe me, I have no clue where I am. The man sighed and chuckled.

"You truly have no clue where you are standing do you?" He gestured toward the right of them- this night was just getting worse and worse. They were on the tzar's private balcony! If they were not embarrassed before then they are most definitely now! They covered the face in their hands for a moment letting out a groan of frustration.

"I am so sorry sir!"

"It's alright, I don't mind the company." He grabbed their hand and kissed it. Seeping forward and standing next to them. The night wasn't so terrible after all.

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