Cinnamon roll meeting

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Just to cheer you guys up with my last update while I'm gone! O_O


🇯🇵Japanese intensifies


Hikaru/Hyuga/Dante/Aiger: *chicken talk and babbling about the meeting and bey battle*

Valt: はい、みんあ いまきいてkyださい !
         (Okay, everyone listen up!)

Valt: We're gonna talk about our squad rankings between other squads so hear me out!!!

Hikaru/Hyuga/Dante/Aiger: *still babbling and completely ignore Valt*

Valt: *speed b*tch slapping them* 💢💢💢

Valt: Ima kiitekudasai! Nidoto watashi o gakkari sa senaide kudasai! Watashitachi shinamonrōru wa tsuneni seinaru taiyō no saikō no chīmudesu! Shikashi, arubino no buntai ga aru tame, watashitachi wa mainichi masumasu hikuku natte imasu! Yami to samu-sa no jimen ni taorete shimau kamo shiremasen! Dakara, atama o agete,-me ga mienaku naru made nikkō ni me o mukete kudasai! Watashitachi no chīmu ga futatabi tachiagattara, yakusoku o shimashou! Watashi wa mōichido chīmu no hahaoya ni nari, kaji o subete yarimasu! Dakara watashitachiha, beibatorude wa naku, taido ni shōten o ateru tsumoridesu!
*long Japanese speech while he shines brightly like the sun*

(Now listen up! Never let me down ever again! We cinnamon roll are always the highest squad to the sun of holy! But due to having the albino squad, we're getting lower and lower each day! We might end up falling down to the darkness and coldness ground!!! So keep your heads up and eye at the sunlight till your blind! Let's make a promise, if our squad rise up again! I'll be the mother of the squad once again and do all the household chores! So we're gonna focus on our attitudes instead of our bey battle!)

Hikaru/Hyuga/Dante/Aiger: M-MOMMY VALT!!!!!! *tears stream down*

Valt: はい! みちんぐおはじめましゃお!
         (Alright! Let's start the meeting!)

Hikaru/Hyuga/Dante/Aiger: はい!

Valt: *push a interactive whiteboard* Alright! Eyes up here!

( I have no regrets lol)

Hikaru/Hyuga/Dante/Aiger: Huh?.........


Aiger: What did they even do to get so high?!

Hikaru: I know right! Fangirls are just crazy for their looks and how they can be evil!!!

Hyuga: That's so unfair!!!

Dante: I agree with you guys! Albino squad are just popular for their looks and personality!!!

Valt: *hearing his squad babbling how unfair the albino squad 24/7*

Valt: This might take a while.....

I'll update part 2 when I come back! I'm just updating this to cherr you all up while I'm gone ._.

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