"Yeah...Well thank you both. But get going. Go make some money..." Rose forced a smiled.

"You have to stay here. Now you can't risk to be alone ever." Fred said.

Rose nodded.

"Stay safe." George smiled before walking out.

"I'm sure he'll turn up..." Fred patted her shoulder, "he loves you after all..." He left.

Rose knew Fred and George had always liked her, more Fred than absolutely anyone. When she and Remus got together, even when she began to like him, Fred would try his best to hide how upset he was.

But the look on his face when he had said that Remus loved the woman he had potentially been in love with hurt her more than anything.

Sure Rose would get jealous from time to time but she quickly figured out it was nothing. It was more of a platonic soulmate sort of view. But nevertheless, the heartbreak that was shown put her in an even more upsetting mood.

Rose drank her coffee before heading downstairs to find Mrs. Weasley sounding out Fleur.

"So gold is for mostly for Ginnys hair. Red wouldn't look good in any of my ideal scenarios if she's going to be my bridesmaid. Red is a very hard color to match, in fact." Fleur spoke.

"Mhm..." Mrs. Weasley quickly grabbed Roses cup to keep herself busy.

"Oi! How are you feeling? Fred and George told me what happened." Fleur looked at Rose.

"A bit tired but...I'm fine. Really." Rose smiled.

"Well, that's good. I'm glad." Fleur shared a smile.

Mrs. Weasley scoffed as she began to clean the kitchen once more. Though it was already clean, she thought no one would notice and kept her from lashing out on Fleur.

Rose went to take a seat and knocked over a flower pot. Going to fix it, Mrs. Weasley rushed over, "Don't worry! I've got it! I mean...You need rest more than anything, allow me since you're the guest." Mrs. Weasley smiled before putting her wand away. Once again, she was trying to cause distractions.

Looking out the kitchen window, Mrs. Weasley handed her yet another cup of coffee. But Rose was distracted by her own thoughts running wild to even care about it.

Secretly praying, Rose hoped for Remus to turn up. Or even send an owl.

"Everything alright...?" Fleur asked.

Again, Rose kept her attention to the window that showed the front of the house and didn't care to answer Fleur.

"Oh my, Remus is here..." Mrs. Weasley looked out the back window.

Jumping out of her seat she turned around and saw Remus slowly walking towards the house. Rose made a run for it.

"Rosalie! Get back here!" Mrs. Weasley yelled.

Rose didn't listen and instead ran outside. She didn't need him to answer questions, she knew it was him just by seeing him.

"Remus...Are you alright?" Rose stopped in front.

"Yeah j-just a few scratches and cuts...." Remus frowned while trying to stay away from making eye contact.

"Come in, Mrs. Weasley can help." Rose tried to help him.

He stepped back, "I thought you'd be gone...Knowing you I expected you to go back home."

"Why would I? I only just woken up...." Her heart shattered looking at him so hurt. She felt it was all her fault for not knowing it was Greyback, "I'm so sorry..." her voice cracked.

He sighed, "trust me...I've looked worse." He finally looked up at her. Then suddenly he brought her into a hug which Rose couldn't deny.

She had longed for this moment since waking up. Finally knowing he was safe and alright made her feel like she was able to breath once more. Having him near her brought a sense of protection, a sense of warmth, like nothing could go wrong.

That was until he backed up, "this is what I was afraid of...I know you didn't know but, it still happened." He said.

"But it didn't because of you..."

"Remember when you told me about the first time I transformed while you were there? How I didn't hurt you...?"

"How could I forget?"

"I didn't take wolfsbane, at all. I went there thinking it was safe and out of nowhere Greyback was there...I normally can't remember anything during a transformation but I've always remembered you."

"You have...?"

"Of course. Now back then it was just because I mean...You were my favorite student, kind, caring, it was like I knew. But when I started having feelings...Every full moon without Wolfsbane...I've been able to remember you do vividly. Again, I don't know what happened last night besides attacking Greyback and bringing you here. I didn't scratch you right?!" He suddenly turned worried.

"No, Remus I'm alright!" She spoke, "I'm alright. I just want you to know, either way...with out without remembering me, I would never run away from you."

"I hurt you though...Badly..."

"It wasn't that bad. After all...I've been worse..." She mocked him.

He chuckled, "but it's different when I do it...I'm not supposed to hurt you. That's not even the last thing I would do because I wouldn't do it at all. But I did."

"Remus, I chose you...No matter what happens I'll always choosing you without a single doubt, I'll keep doing it. How are you supposed to know you're strength? I fell in love with you knowing all the circumstances. You have no reason to shy away, especially after saving me...again." She rolled her eyes.

He smiled, "Well...now you owe me one."

"Well as a partial...let me clean you up. Your chest is all torn, come on." Rose grabbed his hand and they walked in.

Beauty and the Beast (Remus Lupin)Where stories live. Discover now