Chapter 5 Never Trust Men in Black

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<(Y/n) POV>

I didn't feel like being with Sam and Mikaela right now. As was about to get in the Camaro til Rachet wanted me to ride with him. As Rachet was following everyone else he started to ask questions. "(Y/n),if that's your name, do you have strange dreams or flashbacks of anything?" "Well sometimes I do but I don't understand them very well." I answered. "Did you know we were coming in the first place? Because when you saw us you were very calm around us." Rachet said. "Yeah, I saw all of you guys coming in a dream I had a few weeks ago. Is that bad?" "No it just means this can help in the future for all of us. (Y/n) you have a gift to see into the future, which is good. Do you know when it started?" "Sense I was 7 if I remember correctly." I said. "It seems we reached are destiny. I do hope after all this is over that I get to ask more questions, if you don't mind?" Rachet asked. "Sure, I don't mind. I'll be happy to answer more questions later." I said as I got out and walked to Mikaela.

"So I guess we make sure that they stay here til Sam gets back" Mikaela said. "Yeah, but I'll be back in a minute. I'm going to see if Sam needs help." I say while walking into the yard. "You know, I buy half your car... then I bail you and (Y/n) out of jail and then I just decided to do all your chores." I heard Ron say to Sam. Maybe I should go back til i saw Optimus stand up. Oh, God no I thought as the others follow his lead. He started to step over the fence into the yard as Sam finally got Ron to stay inside. And for some reason I didn't even know Bumblebee was looking inside the house as Sam flipped out. "What are you doing? No, watch the path! Watch the... Please, please, please. No, no, wait. No, no, no! Oh, no!" Sam said as Optimus stepped on the fountain saying,"Sorry. My bad." "Damn and I though they would listen." I mumbled to myself. Bumblebee looked at me with a sad look in his optics.

As Sam and Optimus talked I saw Mojo come out and tried to pee on Ironhide. "Oh no you don't." as I grabbed him before he could pee on his foot. But Ironhide ended up pulling out his guns pointing them at me and Mojo. "You have a rodent infestation. Shall I terminate?" Ironhide said. "What? No,no,no. He's not a rodent, he's a Chihuahua." Sam said as he ran to me and Mojo. "This is my... This is my Chihuahua. We love Chihuahuas! Don't we?" I nodded while looking around to see both Bee and Jazz be concerned about us but they were looking at me.

Okay I don't know if its good or bad but I do like Bee as just a friend even thou he flirts with me. But for Jazz... I get this weird feeling when I see him... and when we first meet, I felt it. Maybe I like him... As I thought until Sam grabbed my arm and ran inside. "(Y/n) you got to help me!" "Okay, okay, Sam calm down we just have to find your backpack were the glasses are, okay." I said. "Yeah we'll check my room." he said as we ran upstairs to search. "Where are they? No,no,no,no. Come on, come on." As I started to look as talked to himself. Optimus came up to the window with Mikaela in his hand. "Time is short." "They really want those glasses." Mikaela said. They started to look together as Optimus waved his hand forward for me to come to him. "(Y/n) if Sam doesn't find the glasses in time we may have to use you to find the All Spark through your dreams if Rachet was telling the truth about seeing the future." "Optimus, we will find the glasses in time, don't worry, if everything plays out correctly then All Spark will be safe." I said. I went back to looking after my chat with Optimus til I remembered the bag was in the kitchen. Reaching the door the power went out. Looking at the window I saw Rachet on his back saying something which I think was Wow! That was tingly! or close to that.

"Sam?" I heard Ron calling Sam from behind the door. Looking at Sam a bright light filled the room as Sam went to the window. "Listen we got a major issue in here. What's with the light? You gotta stop the light. Turn it off. You gotta tell him to shut it off." Sam said. Ron was knocking on the door telling Sam to open up. I started to panic til Jazz told me to climb into his hand. And just as I did Sam opened the door for his angry/worried parents. "That was a close one. Thanks Jazz." I whispered. "No problem little lady." "Oh, the parents. Quick, hide!" Optimus said. "Oh, oh, man! Man. Oh!" Jazz was saying while hiding with me in his hand. "Oh, no! Look at the yard. The yard is destroyed. Judy? Better call the city. We got a blown transformer! Power pole's sparking all over the place! Oh, man. Yard's a waste. Trashed. Gone." Ron said while going back to them. "The parents are very irritating. Can I take them out?" Ironhide said with Rachet agreeing with him. "Ironhide, you know we don't harm humans. What is with you?" Optimus said. "Well, I'm just saying we could. It's an option." Jazz looked at him like he was crazy then looked at me. "I hope he learns soon harming humans will get him nowhere in this world if I'm right." "Yes Jazz your right. The government would think your the fret here." I said.

The bag is still in the kitchen I thought while looking up at Jazz. "Jazz sense Sam's parents are distracted I can go in and get the glasses. So can you put me down?" "No problem there." As he did I ran to the backdoor and opened it looking for the bag. It was laying on the counter as Sam got to it. "Come on Sam. We're running out of time." I said as Sam searched through the bag. "Oh, yes. Okay. Okay." Sam said when he found the glasses. "Now we have to give them the glasses." I said before the doorbell started to ring. "My God, Ron, they're every where. There's guys in suits all around the house! Look at this!" I heard Judy say. You have got to be kidding me? As all three of us went in the living room to see men in black. "How are you, son? Is your name Sam?" "Yeah." "Well, I need you to come with us." a strange man said while walking to us as Ron tried to protect us. "Sir, I am asking politely. Back off." "You're not taking my son." "Really? You gonna try to get rough with us?" he said with an unsurprised look. "There's something a little fishy about you, your son, your little Taco Bell dog and this whole operation you got going on here." "What operation?" "That is what we are gonna find out. Son? Step forward, please?"

He scanned Sam and the thing went off. "Fourteen rads. Bingo! Tag them and bag them!" he said as the men handcuffed us. "If you hurt my dog, I'll kick your ass!" Judy yelled. "Sam! Do not say anything, Sam! Not until we get a lawyer!" Ron said to Sam. Driving down a highway the man started,"So, LadiesMan217. That is your eBay username, right?" "Yeah, but you know, it was a typo and I ran with it." "What do you make of this?" as he played the recording of when we seen Bumblebee for the first time. Great, Sam thanks for leaving evidence for them to find out. "Last night at the station, you told the officer your car transformed. Enlighten me." I tuned them out getting really annoyed about this. That's when he said something he'll regret,"She's a criminal. Criminals are hot." looking at Mikaela then me. "But for her, you got her caught in this mess." he said to Sam. I saw Optimus up ahead about to stop the car so I duck down to not get hurt. Optimus grabbed the car and lifted it up shaking the top of it off making us fall to the ground. "You A-holes are in trouble now. Gentleman, I want to introduce you to my friend, Optimus Prime." Sam said. "Taking the children was a bad move. Autobots, relieve them of their weapons." "Freeze!" "Give me those!" Jazz said as all the mens gums went into his hand. "You don't seem afraid. Are you not surprised to see us?" "Look, there are S-Seven protocols, okay? I'm not authorized to communicate with you except to tell you I can't communicate with you."

"Get out of the car." Optimus was starting to get angry at them. "Now!" as we got out Mikaela got us out of the handcuffs and explained her record to Sam. I went next Jazz and smiled at him. "Well at least we got the glasses, now were a step closer to the All Spark then ever." "That's true but you guys got captured." "But you all came to our recuse. And now were safe." I said to Jazz who had a frown. "Yeah and you could have gotten hurt ya know." "I know Jazz." I felt sad that I made Jazz worry about us but they came out of nowhere and took us away. Looking at Sam and Mikaela demanded answers about Sector Seven until Bumblebee hit the him in the head with a can and wetted the guy. "Bumblebee, stop lubricating the man." Optimus said with a hint of amusement in his voice. "All right, tough guy, take it off." "What are you talking about?" "Your clothes, all of it, off." Mikaela ordered. Yup that's what I mean he's getting payback for what he said about her. "For what?" he said. As they kept arguing Jazz looked at me. "Hey (Y/n) you get a feeling something gonna happen soon?" "Yeah and I think something bad is going to come." I said looking around.

Me and Jazz was right a lot more men came to us. "Optimus! Incoming!" Ironhide said as they came. "Roll out." Optimus said. As they listened to him they were being followed by the men. "Up you get." Optimus said for us. Climbing up on Optimus's hand he putted us on his shoulder and ran lose the helicopters. Hiding under a bridge they went past. "Easy, you three." he said quietly to us. That's when Sam and Mikaela slipped while I grabbed Sams hand, Sam grabs Mikaela for dear life. "Hold on!" Optimus said as we fell as he tried to catch us with his feet. But Sam and Mikaela got caught by Bumblebee while I was still falling to my death. That's when Jazz came at the last moment and caught me. "Got you. You alright (Y/n)?" Jazz asked me. "I think..." but my head started to hurt. Feeling dizzy and my vision blurring while I see Bumblebee get captured along with Sam and Mikaela before I black out.


A/N: I'm so sorry that I didn't update sooner. It was mostly because of school and homework or I had to help my parents with stuff around the house so please for give me. And I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please leave a comment, vote, and/or follow me. But again I'm so sorry about the mess. and if I mess up on how the characters speak I'm sorry about that too.

A Autobot Love (Jazz x Reader love story)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum