
22 2 9

IT WAS A WINDY day, even though the sun was out. Cleos hair was blowing around and getting in her face. Cleo had grown to be a very unusual child, her hair had become a beautiful golden brown on one side, and a silky black on the other. One of her eyes was an emerald green, while the other was a menacing yellow. She had no friends and stayed inside most of the time. Today it was her turn to go to the market, which meant she had to ride Negriña, a chestnut mare who was named after her boldness. Cleo did not like Negriña, for Negriña was rude to her. But she had to go to the market, because her family needed food and she needed to sell the wood that her father had collected from the forest. As soon as Cleo had gotten Negriña Saddled up and ready, they started the long trip to the market. They started off at a steady trot, and when Cleo got bored of that they galloped as fast as Negriña could go. they made it to the market in record time, and Cleo tied Negriña onto a nearby post, avoiding her harsh nips.

Cleo took one step into the market and regretted it instantly. There was a fight going on at the fruit stall including a big man and a scrawny stall keeper, the big man was accusing the stall keeper of raising the prices too high. Cleo couldn't stand people fighting and shouted out "Hey! Stop that!" before walking right up and looking at the prices of the fruit, they were higher than the other day, when she had come to buy fruit. "Is it true you raised the prices?" Cleo asked the stall keeper,

"Err.. Yes, I have, but i need the money" The stall keeper replied, still looking a bit shocked from the big mans accusations, Cleo turned and looked at the big man boldly,

"Leave this man alone, he clearly needs the money" Cleo said, gesturing to the stall keeper before walking off to sell the wood her father had given her. They stared after her, shocked.

It was sundown and only four people had bought wood from her stall, and she was tired, so she picked up the rest of the wood and walked over to the food stall, where she bought sixteen apples, three loaves of bread, some jam, and ten bananas. she waved goodbye to the stall keeper running that stall and went back to Negriña, Cleo rode home in silence.

When she got home she tended to Negriña and then went inside.

Her mother was waiting for her "You got in!" She said proudly. Cleo had forgotten all about it until now. She had tried to get into one of the best schools around, which helps you find your Alma, then increase your bond with it. It was a boarding school, which meant she wouldn't be able to look after her parents, or go to the market for them.

But she would be able to travel, for the first time in ages she would travel, to find her Alma. There were no found people without an Alma. Usually you would get the same animal as one of your parents, for example, if you had one parent with a llama and the other with a grifin, your Alma would either be a llama or a grifin, but Cleo was adopted, so she had no idea what her Alma would be. You usually looked like your Alma, that's how you know it's yours. The king and queen have a connection with all animals, but they have one bond stronger than the rest. The castle would be one of the places you would visit when you got to the academy. Cleo started packing straight away and imagined what transportation she would use to get to the academy, she had never been on any transportation except for riding a horse.

Cleo walked to the door and waved goodbye to her parents, looking around and spotting a huge autobús voador coming in for a landing, a autobús voador is a huge flying bus. It was amazing, Cleo got on it slowly, admiring it step by step, she saw heaps of different people on the autobús voador, all with bulky bags. She chose a seat next to a boy about her age, he had Dusty blond hair, and Sky blue eyes, he was very talkative and started talking to her straight away,

"Hi, I'm Andrew, what's your name?" He asked,

"My name is Cleo" Cleo replied, Shifting in her seat to face him,

"Cool name!" Andrew commented, obviously wanting to be friends with Cleo,

"Thanks, your name is cool too" Cleo said awkwardly. The conversation went sort of like that the whole way to the academy.

When they got to the academy all the teachers were waiting patiently for the students. Cleo and Andrew were the last students to leave the autobús voador, when they entered the crowd of eager students they had to push through to find their teacher.

Cleo and Andrew had the same homeroom teacher. The teacher was young, about twenty five, and had pure white hair. Her Alma was a graceful swan, who, it turned out, had bright blue eyes. When they got to their homeroom they found out they all had individual rooms. A small bathroom was connected to each room and in the bathroom there was a shower, a toilet and a sink. The bedrooms had beds, a wardrobe, an animal house (for your Alma when you found it) and a mirror. Cleo got to sleep easily that night.

The chapters will be slow to come out, I have school and homework I have to do, though I will try to update regularly, I do not always have time on my device. Thanks guys, wish you good reading! :)

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