"Mind telling me why you just attacked two of the only people who care about me?" I scream in their faces. 

Emmett laughs because he knows I have a bad temper. I turn around and smack him at the same time as mom. I then turn my attention back to Rebakah and Nik. 

"You told us last night your parents hated you." Nik says looking scared. 

I made the big,bad hybrid scared, I smirk to myself at the thought. 

Then I say, " You idiots! Did you forget the part when I said Bella and Edward would NEVER be my parents?" I rolled my eyes and let them fall to the floor.

" We apologize Meredith. I suppose next time Bekah and I should listen to the whole story instead of tuning half of it out. Isn't that right sister?" He says

"Meredith did you do something to my brother? Because I've never,ever seen him apologize for his actions. Normally I have to!" Bekah asked astonished.

"No I didn't Bekah. Anyway now that that's over, who's hungry ? I'm starving!"I say. 

"Not us" mom and Dad say.

"Oh well, we're going the Mystic Grill, I'm hungry." I say cheerily. 

"Mom, Bekah, come with me. Accent, go home and get ready. Dad um you can.... Watch the football game!" I say and turn on the tv. 

Mom and Bekah follow me to my room.

"So Meredith, do you like this Nik boy?" Mom asks.

"I think she does!" Bekah says,

 I turn and glare at her before saying,

"mom, I just met him yesterday."

"So? You just met me yesterday" bekah says.

I give her a look that says 

really? You're not helping 

in return she gives me a

  I'm not trying to look.

"Bekah, help me pick out something to wear."

 We open my walk in closet and mom gasps. 

"Omg! Did u have a girl swing?!" She asks. 

"Yea Bekah and I shopped for hours yesterday, we could've gone longer if I hadn't got hungry."I say laughing. 

"I will HAVE to go shopping with you two sometime!" Mom says

"Would you like to borrow something?" I ask and she nods eagerly. 

We start getting dressed when my phone goes off. I put it on speaker and continue getting dressed

Hello love, I hope you don't mind but I've invited some people to meet you at the grill.
Not at all but two questions
And what are they love?
One, how did you get my number and two, why is your number in my phone as 'the sexy hybrid'?

He just laughs and says
See you later
He hung up.

"Bekah, will you do my makeup?" I ask

"Of course!" She says clapping
*****20 minutes later******

"Omg!! We look HOT!" Bekah says, "My brother will totally want you!" She says

I groan before smirking,

" Well I hope Stefan's there cause he'll want you!!" I say and she glares.

 Mom butts in "Girls, girls, you're both hot and boys will be worshiping the ground you walk on." She says/

Bekah and I roll our eyes before I say, 

"What about you mom? You look smoking! Dad will be drooling!" I say smiling. 

She laughs then I hear Nik,

 "Girls, you better be ready we're leaving without you!" He says. "Coming!" I shout back

"Ready girls?" I ask. 

They nod and we link arms. We walk down the stairs with our heads held high. The first one to notice us is Stefan, who I didn't even know was here. His jaw drops. Then Dad turns around and I see him drool looking at mom. Last, but not least is Nik.

He asks, "Are they down yet?" 

When he gets no reply he turns around and we lock eyes. His eyes go wide and his mouth slightly opens. Mom, Bekah and I giggle slightly. I clear my throat,

" I thought we were in a rush." I say smirking.

"Oh um yea, come on" Nik says and we leave.

A/N I'm soooo sorry I didn't update for sooooo long. Anyway thank you for all your support!!! Kisses!

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