FILE 05 | White

80 15 6

- Aqua Mall -

- December 06, 2022 -

"You are the game." The man states.

Mirage was somewhat bewildered. She believed that her theories were beginning to make sense. So what is this man trying to discuss? She begs that question.

His finger pointed directly on her forehead, "You are the protagonist of your world, am I right? And this world... is yours. Your friends... Your stupid father... Your life... They're all programmed and simulated into your perspective." He explained, his hands wide open, "Your actions? Your main concern right now? That's also controlled. Sometimes, your choices don't get followed, don't they?"

Mirage didn't know what to do. He believed her, and all of what he said matched to her experience. But she has this terrible feeling in her stomach... to not trust this guy.

[ Listen / Leave Him and Go ]

[ l2'3;$# / ^*)#/'p24;!& ]

[ Listen / Listen ]

"How do you know this?" Mirage asked, obviously out of her will. She immediately closed her mouth shut with her hands. 

"See? There was an error, wasn't there?" The hooded man says, "And, how did I know? Well, I've got my own ways." He went for a more mysterious way of revealing the truth. 

"But... There is a way out of this." He finished.

Mira's eyes' betrayed her. It was a mix of emotions. Her brain says no, but her heart? Her desires? They wanted to know. They wanted to believe this man.

"Really? In that case, then tell me! I need to know!"

"What? Did you really expect me to tell 'ya? Are 'ya fucked in the brain or something?" He cackled loudly, "And don't be so high and mighty, Ms. Mirage Bancroft. I don't care about some shitty social status right now."

Mirage was too stunned to speak.

For two reasons.

The first is obvious. The second was the fact that this man knows even her name. He already had a dubious atmosphere, but things he said were too accurate yet too unreal for other people to even grasp about. 

But the fact that he called her that name...

"You know everything about my life, it's kind of creepy." She commented, "Are you a... stalker?"

He then bursts in tears. Things were getting too hilarious for him, it was free entertainment.

"Stalker? Ms. Mirage, I'm right here being your guide yet you're so suspici-"

"Wait." She interrupted him, "'Ms. Mirage," She repeats, "You... Are you another bitch that my mom hired? Did you come here to get me and bring me back to that hellhole?!"

The hooded man was confused. But he came to the conclusion that Mirage was yet again overthinking every single detail he spoke.

Before he could try to argue with her though, a small young man appeared next to him.

Miggie grabbed Mira's hand and cheered, "Mira, I was looking for you. You got me worried sick, what took you so long??" He asked, and eventually got a glance of the taller man near him, "And... who is this hottie here?"

"'Hottie,' uh, sure, Migs..." Mirage coughed and shook her head, "I don't know him. I just came out the bathroom and suddenly he just... talked to me."

He immediately picked up his best friend and observed her body if there were anything strange. He whispered, "Did he do anything to you? Did he harass you? Should I go call 911?"

"N...No. No need..." She stuttered, "But we need to go. Let's go... please?"

Miggie nodded, and guided Mirage out of that corridor. He could feel the stare of the taller man inching through his back.

That man... Who is he?


The two closest friends searched for the exit after deciding it was time to leave the mall. They seldom ever visit the mall, which is surprising. This led them to have poor direction.

"Are you okay, Mira? I'm sorry if I said anything insensitive..." He apologized, "I don't know what's happening to you. Don't tell me you regret escaping your dad?"

"It's not that... sort of."

"Then what is it?"

"That guy... In the bathroom."


"He... He believed me... He believed the world is just a game! Everything! And the both of us? We're programmed to say all this." She desperately tried to explain.

"Mira.... We can't keep having you say all this-"

"Miggie, I thought you'd listen? Why?" Mirage didn't feel a single inch of comfort, "Why does no one believe me. Nobody does, not even my mom believes in me."

"Mira..." Miggie trailed off. He doesn't know what to say.

"I can't do this anymore. Maybe I am going crazy," She laughed, "What did I do? Why is this happening to me?"

"Mira, I don't know what you're going through... But, girl, you have to snap out of it. You need to wake up to the truth." He tried his best to comfort her.

"That's all you fucking people ever say to me!" Mirage yelled so loud, it caused a stir within the mall.

The mall....


Where is the mall?


Everything was white.

The ground. The sky. The surroundings.

Everything was plain white.

"Where... am I...?" Mirage's heart began beating...

...even faster.

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