Later on Me and Chandler are at the buffet table.

Chandler:Y'know I saw a wine cellar downstairs...

Elizabeth:I'll meet you there in two minutes.


Chandler throws down his plate and runs to the wine cellar as i am about to follow him but Rachel steps infront of me.

Rachel:Liz.honey I gotta ask you something.


Rachel:Ross said my name up there I mean come on I just can't pretend that didn't happen can I?.

Elizabeth:Oh I-I don't know.

Rachel:Elizabeth what should I do?.

Elizabeth:Just uh do the right thing.


Elizabeth:Toe the line.Thread the needle.Think outside the box.

I try to leave but am stopped by Rachel.

Rachel:Whoa wait listen I think I'm just gonna talk to Ross about what he think it meant.

Elizabeth:Wait.Rachel no he's married. Married.If you don't realize that I can't help you.

Rachel:Okay you're right.You're right.You can't help me.

Soon I am running up to Chandler.

Elizabeth:Where were you? We were supposed to meet in the wine cellar?

Chandler:Forget it that's off.


Mr.Waltham:"Drunkenly".The next tour of the wine cellar will plan in two in,in minutes...

Joey walks up to us.

Elizabeth:Joey what are you doing?.You promised Phoebe you wouldn't eat meat until she has the babies.

Joey:Well I figured we're in another country so it doesn't count.

Elizabeth:That's true.

Chandler:The man's got a point.


Later on Me and Chandler are walking to my room.

Chandler:Listen in the middle of everything if I scream the word Yippe just ignore me.

I laugh and open the door to reveal Rachel sitting on the bed.

Elizabeth:Oh my God Rachel.Hi.

Chandler:Oh hello Rachel.

Rachel:Ross said my name.Okay?.My name.Ross said my name up there that obviously means that he still loves me.

Me and Chandler just stare at her..

Rachel:Okay don't believe me I know I'm right do you guys want to go downstairs and get a drink?.

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