Chapter 2

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Me and Luke have gotten to know each other better , he invited me to hang out with his friends but I didn't want to because I would probably be quiet . But he made me anyways so here I am getting ready to meet strangers . I hardly had any friends which made me upset .
I put on a striped shirt and some black skinny jeans and my black vans and a sweater . We were going to meet at he park , it was a bit chilly outside so we changed the plans to the cafe downtown .


After the short ride to the cafe , I got out of my car . I was nervous I usually didn't talk to people and excluded myself from any events . I didn't really know how to interact with other humans . I can't get to know people , I hardly know myself .
I found look sitting on a table in the cafe with 3 other guys , one had red hair is he the new chucky or something ?
I took a seat down next to Luke and said hi to him and the other strange boys .
"Hey , this is Denise ". Luke said to his friends
"Denise, this is Michael , Calum and Ashton " he said to me.
I smiled and said hi to all of them .
They smiled back and said hello .
"Oh wait , this is the cute girl you said you bumped into last week and -"Michael said to Luke
"Shut up Michael " Calum interrupted him
"Sorry "
I blushed a little bit , I know I shouldn't , I can't date him . I can't


After a while of chatting with the boys we ordered our food . It was nice to be with these boys I hardly knew , it felt as if I've known them for years . I was so awkward with them . We exchanged our numbers . Oh I forgot to say they were all incredibly hot . But I'm so out of their league which kind of hurt .

After a while of still chatting I noticed the time it was already 5 p.m . I've spent half of the day with them .
"I have to go " I said to them
They agreed with me and we said our goodbyes .


After I got home I took a bath and brushed my teeth it was already 8 p.m . I decided to turn on the news , I hated watched the news all you saw was violence and death . There was never something nice so I changed the channel .
After going through a lot of channels and not finding anything good to watch I decided to read a book. I'm not the type of person who likes to read but I did .
I couldn't concentrate and kept thinking of what Michael said . "The cute girl " . What was he saying , I wanted to know what else he was going to say before Calum interrupted him .
After a while it was already 10 pm and I decided to go to bed .
I hopped onto my bed and tried to take my mind of the topic . Tomorrow was hell .
\\\ chapter 2 :) I will try to update double tomorrow , I have to study for a math test . Anyways I hope you guys are enjoying this story :)
@namelessluke Xoxoxo :)

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