Phoebe:Whoa.That okay that’s a lot of pressure on me and my uterus."To Dr. Zane".So well okay so is there is maybe is there something that I can do y’know just to like help make sure I get pregnant?.

Zane:No I’m sorry.

Phoebe:Wow.You guys really don’t know anything.

Frank:I know.Why don’t you get drunk.That worked for a lot of girls in my high school.

   Later on Phoebe is giving a pep talk to the petrie dish containing the embryos.

Phoebe:Hello tiny embryos.Well I’m,I’m Phoebe Buffay hi.I’m,I’m,I’m hoping to be your uterus for the next nine months.You should know that we’re doing this for Frank and Alice who you know you’ve been there.Um y’know they want you so much so when you guys get in there really grab on.Okay, and,and I promise that I’ll keep you safe and warm until you’re ready to have them take you home so…Oh.And also ummnext time you see me I’m screaming don’t worry that’s what’s supposed to happen.


Phoebe:Uhuh."To the embryos".Good luck.

   Later after the transfer Me and Phoebe enter the apartment.



Joey:Hey oh Pheebs are they in there?.

Phoebe:Um yeah uhuh they’re implanted.

Monica:How do you feel?

Phoebe:Well freaked.Cause it turns out that the odds are really sucky.And.This is Frank and Alice’s like only shot.Like they are literally putting all of their eggs in my basket.

Chandler:Yeah but I bet it works.

Monica:Really?!.How much?!.

Phoebe:All right I’m gonna go take a pregnancy test right now.

Joey:Oh wow.You can tell this soon.

Phoebe:Well the doctor says it takes a couple days but my body’s always been a little faster than Western medicine.

    As Phoebe goes to the bathroom Rachel enters from her bedroom and see's the foosball table.

Rachel:Oh my God.I can’t believe you guys are actually think you’re moving in here.

Chandler:Well believe it baby.

Rachel:Well I-I-I’m not moving.


Rachel:No it was a stupid bet.We were just playing a game.

Joey:You can’t just ignore the bet.It’s a bet. You bet and you bet and if you lose you lose the bet.

Monica:Look Rach we have to move.I mean if they had lost we would’ve made them get rid of the birds.Right?.


Monica:All right look I hate this as much as you but if it makes you feel better it’s all your fault.

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