Part 2

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Aimi Pov:

I really like ishida.

I hope he likes me back.

Ishida smiled what do i do oh my god im so happy!.

After everyone left the classroom i saw that ishida left his lunchbox on his desk.

I went to find  him but as i went to the board i saw the wrote bad stuff i putted the lunchbox on the table very mad i said : Ishida! Im very mad at you! dont talk to me through this day!.

I left the room i saw that ishida looked a bit sad but it dint bother me.

I saw that Nishimiya entered that room and Ishida erased what the board said.

He was acting so normal! I feel like i just wana kick him in the face!

I dint come to school till the next day

I dint feel bad for Ishida i just felt bad for Nishimiya.

I went to my dance class i saw nishimiya there we became really good friends.

She was telling me through her cute book.

She told me Ishida bullies her alot.

I told her i was gonna protect her.

She smiled i smiled too.

Ishida Pov:

I felt really  bad because Aimi was bad at me.

I knew that was gonna happen one day.

I knew it was nishimiya's fault! 

she's the one that is so stupid!

i was so pissed when she told me that she dint want to be friend anyone.

I dont care!

I kept bullying Nishimiya.

*guys i need to rest a bit so ill do part 3 when im free*

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Nov 05, 2020 ⏰

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