Victory of the Daleks

Start from the beginning

"Yes," Churchill argued. "He approached one of our brass hats a few months ago. Fellow's a genius."

"A Scottish genius, too," Amy grinned. "Maybe you should listen to - "

Jessie cut her off by putting a finger to her mouth. "Shush."

"He didn't invent them," the Doctor shook his head. "They're alien."

"Alien," Churchill repeated.

The Doctor glared at a Dalek as it rolled past the door. "And totally hostile."

"Precisely," Churchill nodded, heading out the door. "They will win me the war."

"You really do have one of those faces no one listens to after all," Jessie quipped as they ran after him.

"Why won't you listen to me?" the Doctor whined. "Why did you call me in if you won't listen to me?"

"When I rang you a month ago, I must admit I had my doubts," Churchill conceded. "The Ironsides seemed too good to be true."

"Yes," the Doctor nodded. "Right. So destroy them! Exterminate them!"

"But imagine what I could do with a hundred! A thousand!"

"I know I am," Jessie mumbled, eyeing a Dalek in disgust as it rolled past with a dispatch box. "And it ain't pretty."

"Amy, tell him," the Doctor told the ginger.

She blinked. "Tell him what?"

"About that Daleks."

"What would I know about the Daleks?"

Jessie frowned, turning to her. "You should," she insisted. "Don't you remember when they invaded? Planets in the sky? You couldn't forget that! Don't you remember them?" Amy paused, and Jessie stepped closer. "Tell us you remember the Daleks!"

Amy swallowed, shaking her head. "No, sorry."

The Doctor stared at her. "That's not possible."


"So, they're up to something," the Doctor deduced as they entered the map room. "But what is it? What are they after?"

"Well, let's just ask, shall we?" Amy asked brightly, walking over to one of the Daleks.

"Amy!" the Doctor called.

"Amelia!" Jessie added, pulling her blaster out.

Amy just tapped on one of the Daleks, and it turned to her. "Can I be of assistance?" it asked.

"Oh," Amy blinked, nodding. "Yes, yes. See, my friends reckon you're dangerous. That you're alien. Is it true?"

"I am your soldier."

"Yeah, got that bit. Love a squaddie. What else, though?"

"Please excuse me. I have duties to perform."

"Winston," the Doctor begged to Churchill as the Dalek rolled off. "Winston, please!"

"We are waging total war, Doctor," Churchill sighed. "Day after day, the Luftwaffe pound this great city like an iron fist."

"Wait until the Daleks get started," Jessie mumbled, folding her arms and tightening her coat around herself.

"Men, women, and children slaughtered," Churchill continued. "Families torn apart. Wren's churches in flame."

"Try the Earth in flames."

"I weep for my country. I weep for my empire. It is breaking my heart."

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