"Finally" I sigh in relief and go lay down. I put a pillow between my legs and under my stomach for support then pull the covers over my body and slowly fall asleep.

Ring Ring Ring Ring. I hear as I emerge from slumber. I look for my phone, it's Tetsurou.

"Hello" I say groggily

"Hey Kitten were you asleep?"

"Yes It's 6 am"

"Oh y/n I'm sorry I didn't consider our time difference" I hear him explain.

"It's ok Love did your plane land?" I ask him, putting him on speaker and place the phone next to me.

"Yeah I'm in the hotel room with Kenma, we are roommates"

"That's good love, ow" I wince in pain and start to rub the place as I feel one of the twins kick me hard

"y/n, what's wrong, do I need to come home are you ok are the babies ok" He is frantic over the phone.

" Tetsurou I'm fine, the babies are just kicking me hard" I respond, still rubbing my side.

"Yes they started when they heard your voice" I giggle


"Yes really"

" So your ok nothings happened since I've been gone" He asks

"Yes Love you've only been gone 12 hours" I laugh and I hear him laugh as well.

"I know I can't help it y/n"

"I know love"

"Alright well the team is going out to dinner so I have to go."

" Ok Tetsurou"

"I love you y/n" 

"I love you too bye"

"Bye" The call ends and I can feel Itsuki and Hotaka kicking and squirming around inside me. It's going to be a long week.

~ 1 week later~

Tetsurou's Pov:

As I drive I look at the time it's 8:45, I can feel my heart race. I'm so thrilled that I'm going to see y/n a week after not being able to see her. I unlock the door and walk in.

"y/n" I call out looking around the living room then the kitchen. I finally make my way to the bedroom, I almost call her name again until I see y/n sleeping peacefully with a pillow between her legs and under her belly. I throw my suitcase into the corner by the laundry basket and go take a shower. I come out of the shower and walk towards y/n's sleeping body. I crawl into the covers and kiss her forehead. I scoot myself down towards her swollen belly, I give it 2 kisses and immediately I can see Itsuki and Hotaka moving around the skin of her belly contutoring. I look up and see y/ns face begin to scrunch up as she subconsciously places a hand on her stomach slowly moving it in circles trying to console the twins. I quickly place my hands on her stomach also trying to console them trying my best not to let them wake y/n up. A few minutes later they're still squirming around.

"Hi Love" I hear y/n say as she runs her fingers through my hair.

"I'm sorry they woke you up I just gave them a kiss and they started going crazy"

" Yeah they have been restless and keeping me up all night. Itsuki and Hotaka really missed you, whenever you called I put you on speaker and once they heard your voice they would go nuts" She laughs

"Well I missed the 3 of you too" I scoot up to be face to face. I see her smile and it makes my heart flutter. I look into her brown orbs and press my lips against hers.

"Ow" She pulls away and looks down at her stomach, she moves to lay on her back. I can still see her belly move and contort and her face scrunching in pain. I sit up and start talking to the twins trying my best to get them to calm down.

"Guys calm down your hurting mommy" I look at y/n, she's very uncomfortable. I can see it in her face, just as I think about ways I can help, y/n swings her legs over the bed and I see her struggle to get up. I quickly move next to her placing my hand on the small of her back giving her a little push to help her get up.

"Thanks Tetsurou" I watch as she gets up and leaves the bedroom, I quickly follow after her. I walk into the livingroom and see her pacing and rubbing her pedruding middle.

"Love what can I do to help you" She sighs and puts her hands on her face.

"Hey hey Kitten what's wrong" I walk over to her and place my hands on her cheeks. I look into her eyes and I see her blink her tears away.

"I-I'm sorry T-Tetsu" she sniffles before continuing,

"I'm.. their constant kicking is just... really uncomfortable"

"Oh y/n I'm sorry come here" I open my arms inviting her into my embrace, she accepts and buries herself into my chest, her belly is pushed up against my torso and I can feel them squirming around inside her. I move one of my hands to her stomach and begin to rub, while I move my hand up and down her back and begin to sway with her in my arms. After a few minutes I can feel the babies calm down.

" Are you feeling any better?" I pull away looking into her eyes, she nods in response and wipes away tears.

"Alright let's go to bed" I say smiling and walk with her to the bedroom. We both lay down and snuggle together until we fall asleep. 

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