how they met - jay & kino

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"Then talk to him bro he doesn't look like he bites" Rhys replied looking at the other. "I can't do that what if I-" without finishing it the other boy pushed the other out of the bush and yelled "Ayo I think you cute!" which earned Jay to look at Kino and earned a glare from Kino to Rhys.

"Um h-hello" the boy said 'cute' kino thought. "Hey I see that you are struggling there can I help?" he asked the other boy nodded. Soon enough the water fairy put a little bit a water on the part Jay was trying to put the flowers at. "Now try" he said to the flower boy who nodded.

The flower boy tried again and it actually worked this time. The boy was in awe and turned to the other jumping up & down excitedly. "Thank you thank you!" he said hugging Kino who hugged the other back. 

The two talked a lot and Jay learned that Kino's favorite flower was a daisy (hahaha see what I did there). Later, Jay heard his name being called and had to go. "Wait what's your name?" Kino asked the other boy turned to him and smiled. "It's Izaya but you can call me Jay!...oh wait what's yours!!" the boy replied to him "Hyunggu but everyone calls me Kino" he replied back to him. "Kino got i'll remember it bye bye Kino!!" he said and ran off

'His name is Izaya but goes by Jay? i'll  remember that' the water fairy thought to himself.

~Two years later~

The two boys got close actually and the area around the tree was filled with daisies. Today was different actually. Kino felt sad. He knew he was gonna see Jay which made him happy but he remembered something.

Today was the last day he'll see Jay or remember him. Kino got selected to become a guardian for the water fairies in order to become a fairy you have to go into a hospital and they wiped away your memories of everyone and your fairy powers / wings and give powers that guardians have.

"Hey Jay?" he asked which earned a hum from the other "I wanna tell you something" he said looking at the flower boy. "Go ahead i'm listening" Jay replied smiling at him "So um I wanted to say this before you don't see me again Jay over these past years of us being friends I developed weird feeling for you" he said the other boy looked at him with worried look "Are you gonna die?!? no no no no no Rhys told me about this! you have a crush on someone and you gonna die!" he exclaimed very worriedly.

"No no baby one do not listen to Rhys alright?" he told the other boy without realizing he called the other baby. Jay felt his cheeks burning up he didn't really understand it at first but he soon noticed it. "Like I was saying Jay I developed romantic feelings for you" he said extremely proud that he finally confessed to the other.

Jay stayed silent.  He was actually panicking. His crushed liked him back. Without thinking, Jay immediately kissed the other who was shocked at first but kissed him back. 

"Ha gay!" was heard from the bushes which made both of them pull away and Kino yell "Rhys shut up!"

The rest of the day was the two cuddling under the tree but without noticing the tree craved H + I with a heart around it by itself.

That was the last day the two saw each other. 


*How they met again?*


"A banana is something that if you point it at someone they die!" Rhys said to the water fairy who was in awe "So if someone points it someone the person dies?!?" Jay responded "Yup!" the other said popping the p.

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Jan 08, 2021 ⏰

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