Chapter 2

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                 3 days passed since Izuku had been kidnapped by Glitchtrap and subsequently was spring locked in the unnamed spring wolf animatronic suit. Several small grumbles escape the wolf animatronic before, with several clicks, the animatronic's silver eyes opened, turning an emerald shade of green.

               "Wha...what happened to me..." Izuku thought before looking at his arm, seeing that it wasn't his arm. It was thin and, longer covered by a jacket and, his hand was white with clawed fingers. He trembled as he went to check his face and dropped to his knees with a metallic thunk muttering out with a more mechanical voice, " this is a nightmare, a terrible nightmare...ah-ha I can't be that animatronic that they stuffed me in th...that's insane."

                It was slowly dripping in, the pain...the screaming all the horrible noises that consumed his mind until he finally died. Izuku shook his head as if denying what was slowly becoming less and less likely to be a night terror would let him wake up.

               "Finally woke up, huh," a woman's voice took him out of his despair, and, when his eyes locked onto her, they would have widened in recognition if they could. It was the woman from before, who was working with that Glitchtrap person? Was it even a person? It seemed to have multiple quirks...and where does she fit into all this even? Why work with a psychotic bunny...why do this to him!

                  He didn't realize he was muttering all this or that he had started to raise up. Izuku's left animatronic eye faded back into being the sharp silver of the animatronic before he lunged at the woman, hissing out a static glitching in his voice, "You Villian!"

                 "My name is Vanny." She told him with a snicker hidden in her tone as she easily side-stepped the poor attempt at an attack on her. A brown eye met the silver one as Izuku turned to make a second attempt before falling to one knee, his body shaking. "Bad I think I'll call you that from now on kay Izuku or whatever?

                  The silver eye clicked back to green and, Izuku shivered in his mind thinking, "I wanted to kill her...why I'm hero we don't kill...or anyways it's a last resort." he did his best to ignore the fact that almost as if in response to his thoughts there was a low grumble of annoyance animalistic and, mechanical. Izuku then taking several fake breaths he asked lowly, "Why...why did you do this to me? is the even possible anyway?"

              "Don't ask me, never really questioned the whole resurrection thing before not gonna start now of all times," Vanny responded to his second question. Then went on answering the first while putting a sucker in her mouth, "as to why we spring locked you," she thought for a moment before shrugging, "Boss got bored and decided to kill you for funsies or something."

                Izuku couldn't believe that letting loose a mechanical snarl in his voice, "You k...kill people in such a..a..a," he started lagging the moment his mind settled on his violent death, the trauma making him shake profusely. He finally barked out, "How could you do that for fun!"

                Vanny smirked while responding, "Simple Wolfy, you get used to it after a while and learn to enjoy the crueler things in life," she removed the sucker, pointing it at Izuku, whose surprise was clearly seen when Vanny told him," You'll come to understand I'm sure we have all of eternity to figure it out after all Wolfy."

               "I'll never be like you!" He snarled out at her; Vanny simply closed one eye before responding, "I wouldn't be too sure Wolfy; I've seen some kiddos way younger than you turn into some real beasts after dying. Doubt your any different, in fact..." she opened her pupils shrinking as she gave him a mad smile tossing the sucker while saying, "Something tells me your even worse!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2020 ⏰

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