Chapter 1

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The story of the young heroine is common among District 12, after all, it was said she was from that very district.

Angus thought about her story as he got ready for his very own Reaping. He wasn't worried about it though, this was his last year. Then he was done. Maybe he could escape. Maybe.

He of course knew that the Games were unethical but they were normal to the once American people. People in the higher districts thought it was a celebration. But they didn't have anything to lose from the Games. For God's sake, they were trained for it, despite training being illegal.

Angus looked at himself in the cracked mirror, clad in mostly washed out blues and browns. Not unlike his very own district, it was a very snowy place and cold.

Angus' thoughts turned to his family, which were from the northeast across the ocean. He got here by accident and he desperately wished he could leave. Memories flooded back to him by just staring in the mirror but he blinked it away and turned away from the cracked mirror that held so many tales yet to be told.

He walked towards the front door ignoring the TV that was turned on telling families to be ready at exactly ten a.m. sharp. It was currently 10:50. Angus calculated how much time it would take him to get to the town square. He should have four minutes to line up.

When Angus finally got there, people were pouring into the town square like a waterfall. Angus went to his designated spot. He wasn't worried about it until he realized that his name was in seven times. He started to look around knowing that there was a plentiful amount of other people that had their names in the bowl seven times.

It was finally time, everyone was dead silent, the only sounds came from the ravens cawing almost in a mocking manner. The stage set right in front of the town hall, various shades of gray made up of the building, including the stage. Two glass bowls filled with the names of children ranging from 12 to 18. A woman walked out onto the stage in heels; her forest green sparkly pantsuit matching her hair, eyebrows, lipstick, and eyelashes. Her heels clicked with every step. People were glaring at her but she smiled as if this was the biggest welcome she could get.

"Today we are here to select one courageous man and woman for the honor of representing District 12 in the 88th annual Hunger Games. As usual ladies first!" She announced to the silent group of people with an accent that could only be paired with the Capitol. The woman turned and walked over to the glass bowl full of all the girls from ages 12 to 18 in District 12.

She reached in slowly, moving her hand around until she dug her hand in and pulled a slip from the bottom. She held up the folded slip as she walked back to the microphone. She held out the slip in front of the microphone and gently tore at the tape. She paused before announcing the name, "Orla Reeds!"

Orla stood in shock, her school friends looking at her with wide eyes, but Angus knew they were glad it wasn't them. The girl was 13, she looked like everyone else in the district. Orla took a moment before walking up towards to stage, her shoulders shaking as if she was trying to hold in a sob.

Everyone could hear to muffled cries of her mother and father as they watched their only child walk up slowly to her death surrounded by Peacekeepers clad in all white. The crunch of gravel seemed to echo louder and louder, a steady beat that the ravens seemed to pick up and were croaking at. Louder and louder.

It was drowning out the wails of a heartbroken mother and father. Angus was starting to feel claustrophobic. Was this normal? No. It wasn't. Angus looked around frantically, the poor girl was too young. Unlike the story of the young heroine, no one volunteered for the young girl.

The ravens croaking pattered out and the Capitol woman was gesturing for Orla to come up and join her; calling out to her like a siren as the young girl walked towards her doom that was disguised in forest green and gold. The young girl took the woman's hand sealing her fate. Orla was placed next to the microphone so that all the cameras could see. Every district was watching, eating it up like the entertainment it was supposed to be.

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