Back to school

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Let's watch trinkets jaden suggests
Ok you say
Jaden sees that it's been watched
Have you watched it without me
No you say unconvincingly
Really he asks
Fine yes I did
When you were in Texas and I was bored 😐
He turns it on and it's the episode where you left off
He watches it and you cuddle him
Jaden gets a text and then you ask him what it says
It's my lawyer
What happened what did he say
I need a degree to carry on with my career
So you have to go back to school
Yes but I'll be alone
I'll come
Are you sure
Yes of course
Ok we'll need to go shopping
Ok we'll go now (it's only 3:00pm)
You head out and into jadens car
He puts his hand on your thigh and he drives to the mall
You get there and you get out the car
He puts your arm around your waist
You walk around collecting outfits and school supplies
You finish at 7:00pm so you decide to go to a restaurant and eat that for dinner
You go to boa steakhouse and order food
You eat and then head home at 10:00pm
You arrive at 11 pm and most of the boys are downstairs
Hey guys you say
Hey Yn they say
Did you get a call from your lawyer about your career
Yep they say
I guess we'll go together for another year
You go upstairs and then chill in bed on TikTok
You cuddle jaden while scrolling through Instagram
At 1 am you decide to go to sleep 😴
Bubs I'm going to sleep
Ok I'll go too
You turn off your phones and put them on charge
You sleep in bed cuddling.

Falling for him  A Jaden Hossler story *COMPLETED* Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang