The Beast

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Summary: Harry and Voldemort end up with a murderous clone of Harry somehow. It's also immortal and likes to eat people.

"Umm Tom..." Harry shook Voldemort awake while staring at the third body draped over them. Voldemort's first reaction was to Avada Kedvera the body which caused it to chirp and wake up blinking questioningly.

It stared at them with red eyes and a face identical to Harry's. It yawned revealing impossibly sharp teeth before scratching at it's neck with dagger-like claws. Voldemort then Incarserated it and it relaxed in the binds with a strange purr. Harry looked at Voldemort in question as he levitated the creature into the closet and locked the door.

"What was that?" Harry questioned.

"I have no clue, but it seems to be immortal." Voldemort stated with a clueless shrug his eyes burning with his need for answers.

"Do you think it was some kind of Vampire?"

"No it felt too human to be one especially since it was very docile in our presence." Voldemort looked he wanted to read every book existence to find out what it was.


Voldemort looked at the blood test results of Harry's clone with well founded confusion.

"It's you, it's literally 100% a clone of you, but a year younger somehow. The only reasonable explanation I can think of is that it's from some kind of alternate universe but how did it get here and what is it?" Voldemort ranted his eyes glaring at the parchment furiously but it provided no answer for him.


Wormtail opened the closet and was met with the menacing red eyed Harry that immediately started growling at him. Wormtail stupidly thought the creature wanted to be released and cut off the binds. Harry then lunged sinking his claws into Wormtail's shoulders before biting his head clean off.

The Beast then went on a small rampage biting the heads off of 5 more Death Eaters before clinging to Harry's leg who looked at the bloody clone confused.

"Ok who was stupid enough to release the Beast?" Harry asked the clueless Death Eaters as he pet his clone as it purred against his leg. The Death Eaters had no answer for him instead staring at the clone with wide eyes.


"I think I'll call you Imposter, sounds better than the Beast." Harry said petting his clone who merely purred at the touch.

"Hmm I wonder what would happen if I just left you at order headquarters, since your indisernable from me minus the age...." Harry muttered an evil grin appearing on his face.


Harry grinned as he set Imposter down in front of the doorstep at Grimauld place with a strong sleeping charm and glamours to cover his claws. Imposter was bound in chains today for special effect. He quickly apperated away as he felt Moody coming to the door. Moody slammed the door open his eye searching for an intruder and all he found was some magic leftover from apperation and the chained body before him.

"Potter!" He exclaimed and attempted to shake Harry awake. Upon noticing there was no reaction he tried an Rennervate which dissipated before it could touch Harry. He glared trying to levitate the body and came to the correct assumption that the chains stopped magic as it did nothing. With a grunt Moody picked up Harry and brought him inside.

"Albus it's Potter!" Moody shouted and the entire order came running and gasped upon seeing Harry in chains. Except Severus who paled upon seeing what he knew to be Imposter.

"Alastor what happened?" Dumbledore asked staring in shock at someone he thought to be at his relatives.

"He was just left at the door like this. The chains block magic." Dumbledore looked concerned at that answer and reached out to try to unbind Harry.

"Don't- AHHHHH!" Severus screamed as his Dark Mark burned and started spreading across his body. The order watched helpless as the Dark Mark perceived Severus's warning as betrayal and started killing him slowly. Severus slumped over dead and the order looked at Dumbledore questioningly.

"He was trying to tell us something that the Dark Mark considered betrayal..." Dumbledore frowned looking at Harry's tied up form and started untying several layers of chains before coming to a large padlock connecting the last of the chains.

"Are you sure Albus it sounded like Severus was trying to warn us against unlocking that." Moody stated looking nervous.

"We can't get answers without unlocking it. Unless you know some way of waking Harry while he's in a magical coma." Dumbleidiot stated before conjuring a lock pick and unlocking the padlock on Harry's chest. There was not a stir as he took off all the chains and he stared at the still comatose Harry with confusion.

"Rennervate!" Moody decided to cast and Imposter immediately woke glaring at Albus with a blood red eye.

"ROAR!" Imposter roared loudly in anger at being awoken and he swiftly sliced his claws through Dumbledore's head before anyone could react. Imposter bared his fangs at Moody as he dodged the rapid fire curses Moody was throwing at him.

"Run! I'll distract him." Moody shouted at the other order members who scrambled to comply running towards the floo.

Imposter growled before opening his mouth and a spear like tongue shot out to spear through his gut. Moody screamed his last breath before the tip of the tongue opened up and elongated tentacles to grab Moody's body from behind and pull itself back into Imposter's mouth shrinking to a size manageable for him to swallow whole.

Imposter then sprang forward impossibly fast to catch up to his next prey. His sharp claws first impacted Mundungus ripping him to shreds within seconds. The others screamed in terror stopping shock still and that was more than enough time for Imposter to slaughter them all within minutes with just his claws. After dealing his carnage he preened proudly and ate his fill.

Harry apperated in to find Imposter licking his claws free of blood and upon noticing him, Imposter bound over to hug his leg and purr happily.

"Good boy." Harry pet Imposter on the head and smiled at the thought of the things he and Voldemort will do with his evil little clone in the future.

AN: Guess who watched and played too much Among Us.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2021 ⏰

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