Chapter 19

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Next morning !!

I just woke up ... Last night me and Diggy watched movies and laughed together !! I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom and went pee ! I washed my hands then walked out the bathroom and sat back on his bed .. I grabbed my phone to see A LOT of twitter notifications and Instagram likes ....

Me: Oh Lord .. What have I gotten into ..

I unlocked my phone and went into twitter ... My mentions were flooded with Jetsetters ...

@Jetsetter20: Is you and Diggy dating ?!

@HeIsMy4LW: You Bette back off my man ..

I scrolled down a little bit more and then dropped the phone on the bed ... I put my head in my hands ....

Me: Gessh these Jetsetters are crazy

Diggy groaned in his sleep ....

Me: Diggy , Jetsetters are ATTACKING me !  

He opens his eyes and rubs his eyes ... Then sit up

Diggy: About the picture ?!

Me: Yeah ...

Diggy: Seriously .. They need to chill out .. They don't control my love life .. There just my fans to support me and my music not to be all in my personal life ..: Sam don't trip off them !

Me: Alright ! Well I'm going to get home .

Diggy: Alright . Let me walk you down ..

Me; I don't feel like changing can I just keep these on and bring Em back ?!

Diggy: yeah no problem ...

I got off his bed and grabbed my charger and purse and my swimming suit out the bathroom ...

Me: Ready !

Diggy: Yeah !!

I walked to the door and opened it and walked out to the hall to elevator Diggy was right next to me on his phone .. We got on the elevator clicked the button the elevator made the bing noise and we got off and walked out the lobby outside .. Diggy walked me to my car

Diggy: Alright ! Sam .. Drive carefully !!

Me: I will !

I gave him a hug and got into my car and pull off to my house ! 20 minutes later I pulled up to my house and get out and grab my stuff and unlock my house and shut the door and walk up to my room and drop my stuff on my bed and walked to Danielle's room  to see her on her phone with someone .. I walk into her room and sit on her bed .. She is making faces at me ... Then she tells whoever she was on the phone with someone .. She is making faces at me then she told whoever she was on the phone with she had to go ..

Me: Who was that you was on the phone with ?!

Danielle: Robert !!

Me: you got a little boyfriend now !! Whaaaa

She starts blushing !

Me: Does mom know ?

Danielle: No.....


Alright , so a lot of people have been complaining about the chapters being very short and stuff okay well I have academics I do and other things ... So I try my hardest to make the chapters long and if I do make longer chapters then it will take like 2 days if you want them really LONG lol ! So just be patient with me that's why I have more than 3 Diggy love stories so y'all don't have to wait on ONE specific one .. And These are just Fanfics y'all need to just CHILL OUT a little lol not to sound rude or nothing .. I'm sure there are some good books out there like Knowing me knowing you etc ... But I got y'all ill make more drama and longer chapters


Anything is Possible (Diggy Simmons Love Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon