Dillan narrows his eyes slightly as he looked at the building "I would say he would be on either the second or third floor in the middle of the building. He likes to be able to keep an eye on everything all the time."

        I nod my head, getting my head in the game "Okay so how are we going to do this?"

        Freddy takes control of the situation "Well I think that splitting up into groups of two and sweep the floors and approach from both sides, making sure we cover as much ground as possible."

        Dillan nods his head, approving of the plan "Riley and Archon will take one side and I and Fred will take the other side." Freddy looked uncomfortable at being paired with Dillan but pulls himself together putting his game face on.

        I grab Archie's hand

        [Come on Archie, let's go.]

        We nod at Dillan and Freddy before running from the cover of the Volkswagen to the side of the building.

        [Is it just me or is it weird that there are now guards?]

        [No it's not]

        Dillan reacts before I could

        [Vincent is known for being arrogant and cocky. So he won't have a lot of guards if he even has a few.]

        [My guess is the guards he has will be with him and Keelan, right?]

        I ask just to be sure, still looking around the main entrance of the building for any kind of movement.

        [That's most likely, but just to be sure don't count on it.]

        [I don't like this at all Riles.]

        I stop at the top of the stairs, on our way to the second floor.

        [Why is that?]

        [Because this is too easy, this is way too easy. In the whole time, we have been here we have seen no sign of life or Keelan, not even a faint scent. I think this is a trap.]

        I sigh as I run a hand through my hair

        [We all kind of knew that when we decided to do this. Trap or no trap Keelan is Pack and we look out for each other.]

        We were creeping along the wall of the second story floor when a faint wailing sound reached my ears.

        [You hear that?]

        I look over my shoulder to see Archie look at my wide eye.


        I grit my teeth

        [That bastard! Dillan! Freddy! Cops are coming!]

        [We know.]

        Somehow Dillan sounds out of breath, making me frown. 

        [What happened to you guys?]

        [We ran into some trouble, fellow hunters Fred's taking care of it. Is he there?]

        I look at Archie, who shakes his head at me as we both move to the other side of the room on opposite walls.

        [No he's not on the second floor. We're going back to the staircase to go to the third floor.]

        [Okay we will meet you there as soon as Fred's done taking care of the hunters.]

        I nod at Archie as we silently creep back the way we came, back to the staircase. I don't question why Dillan is waiting on Fred, as we heard the murmur of conversation as we near the top of the staircase.

        "....Idiot....Thinking he'll be saved..... Thinking he'll leave this place alive..." I don't focus enough to hear the rest, more interested in where they are going.

        [Dillan! Fred! He's on the third floor!]

        The wailing of police sirens pass us as we see the flashing lights pass by in a high way, we both silently let out a sigh of relief. Taking a deep breath I put some pressure on the door that opens onto the third floor. We cringle and stand still as the door squeaks and groans as it opens, even though most windows were boarded up, there was a lot of light in the room.

        "Welcome, Riley and Archon. Welcome to my little private party." The velvety smooth voice of Vincent whispers around the room. As my eyes are adjusted to the bright light I see Vincent sit in the middle of the room in a similar raised chair as the King those, with Keelan bound and chained to something.

        Just like Dillan said there were no guards, except the ones on the other side of the door we just came through. "Can't say it is a pleasure to see you again Vincent, last time I saw you, you were getting exiled."

A Summer To Never Forget {Complete}Where stories live. Discover now