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Hearts of many gentlemen would surely be crushed by this news, but Hermione Jean Granger is completely off the market. We tip our hats to Harry Potter for his grandiose display of claiming the brightest witch of her generation. It was indeed a proposal that will go down in wizarding history.


Thank you Luna! This will surely contradict whatever speculation and scandalous intrigue that Rita Skeeter will be writing in the Daily Prophet. Harry thought as he promised to buy Luna a good Christmas present and a souvenir from his vacation with Hermione.


All throughout Britain and the rest of the wizarding world, the news of what happened at last night's auction spread like wildfire. Whether you read the Quibbler, the Daily Prophet, or both, the reactions from the front page news is a noteworthy as the event that caused them.


-George Weasley wakes up at 6 AM everyday. It's a routine. Get ready, have breakfast, and open WWW at 8 AM. He may have started to accept his twin's death, but there is still an aching void in his heart. He can't even remember the last time he had a heartfelt laugh. His laughter now had a hollow in it ever since Fred died. He never thought that he would finally laugh - a real and an unfake one - today. While eating breakfast, an owl came in from the window to deliver his copy of the Daily Prophet. When he read the headline, his jaw dropped.

Hermione Granger sold to Harry Potter for one million galleons!

Boy-Who-Lived betrothed to Brightest Witch of the Generation!

By: Rita Skeeter

George read the article and then took a closer at the two photos, the first one with Harry on his knees and the second one with Harry carrying Hermione and running away from the venue. And then laughed! He laughed his first real laugh!

"Oh ickle Harrykins! You dog you! I can't believe you pulled a prank on Hermione and claimed her for the entire wizarding world to see!", he shook his head and laughed once again.


It's going to be a relaxing day for the Hogwarts staff today since majority of the students signed up to leave the school for the two week Easter break. The headmistress could feel the excitement of the students as they eat their breakfast and chat with one another. The arrival of the owls that deliver the daily news increased that excitement to a whole new level. The gossip spread all throughout the four house tables with a buzz. As the headmistress read her copies of the Daily Prophet and the Quibbler, she know understood the excitement. She herself couldn't help contain her excitement as she hurriedly finished her breakfast and returned to her office. She had to talk to two portraits. Oh, Albus! You so owe me those galleons. Snape would probably be bitter about this.

"Albus! Severus! Wake up.", the current headmistress, Minerva McGonagall called to the two portraits.

"What can I do for you Minerva?", Albus Dumbledore's portrait said his eyes twinkling. Meanwhile Severus Snape's portrait just crossed its arms and looked down at the current headmistress.

"Exciting news. Harry Potter and Hermione Granger got engaged last night!", she informed the portraits.

"Really? You awakened our portraits just to tell us this information?", Snape said with a sneer.

"Come now, Severus. Surely this news is exciting to you as well.", Dumbledore said.

"If I were alive, this news would prove beneficial for me since I would've won the bet. But since I'm dead, I can't see why this news is important to me.", Snape said with a huff.

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