Harry's First Vacation

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Chapter Eight: Harry's First Vacation

by: tweety-src-clt9

"Harry, we need to talk.", Hermione told Harry when they got back to their hotel from the bookstore. Shit! We need to talk is never good, Harry thought as he started to get nervous.

"Alright. So Harry, I just wanted to know. Why did you all this?", she asked in a calm voice as she looked into his eyes. It was a look that penetrates one's very soul.

"I want to be with you Hermione. Always. And I want to help you with your problems. You're my best friend Hermione. I'll always do whatever I can to help you.", Harry replied sincerely. And I love you Hermione, but I won't tell you yet. Not until you feel the same way.

"But why go such extent? Harry! You're giving up your freedom for me. What about the chance to find love Harry? To be with the girl who will make you happy.", she said as her eyes glistened with tears.

"I'm not giving up my freedom Hermione. Besides, you make me happy. I can't imagine a life where I lose you, Hermione. A life where my best friend loses herself to confirm to rules set by a husband you don't want to be with. I want you to live your life the way you want it to. I'll do anything to make you happy.", he said and Hermione grabbed him in a fierce embrace as she buried her face on his shoulder with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry that you had to go to such lengths just to save me Harry.", Hermione whispered.

"You have saved me in the past Hermione. Now let me save your future.", he said looking into her eyes.

"Harry. I want you to know that if you find the right girl who will make you happy someday, I will let you go.", she said in a voice filled with determination and she felt him tighten his arms around her as if he was afraid to lose her.

"No! I'll never let you go. I can't live without you.", he said and Hermione sighed.

"Whatever happens Harry, I'll always be your best friend. I just want you to promise me that when you find the right girl, you'll do whatever you can to ensure that you'll be together, even if that means ending our marriage.", she told him.

"I promise, Hermione. I'll never let the girl I love go.", he looked into her eyes and wiped her tears.

"Good. Now that actually makes me feel better.", she smiled. I'm already keeping my promise, Hermione. I did whatever I could to be with you. And rest assured, I'll never let you go...

"Hermione, since you agreed to marry me, would it be okay if we marry a month after graduation?", he asked her slightly blushing.

"Why are you in a hurry, Harry? Eager to use me as a shield from your fangirls?", she teased him.

"Why yes Hermione. I need the security that only the brightest witch of the generation can provide. Maybe when were married and you glare at them, they'll leave me alone.", he said with a pout and she punched his arm.

"Is that the real reason why you wanted to marry me?", she said with a mock glare.

"Yes, Hermione because fangirls are scarier than Voldemort.", he said with sarcasm and rolled his eyes.

"Haha! Verry funny! Come on then let's get some rest before we get ready for our night cruise in the Seine.", she said as she dragged him from the sofa and lead the way to their bedroom.

"Awww! Do we have to go? We can just stay in bed you know? I'd rather cuddle my fiancee.", Harry said wiggling his eyebrows suggestively as they laid down on the bed. Hermione smacked him on the face with a pillow.

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