The Weasley twins.

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Harry sat on the grounds with Ron, watching his two older brothers play with magical fireworks. Harry flinched as one flew towards them. He laughed.

"Sorry. They're kind of wild." Ron said quietly, embarrassed

Harry shook his head. 

"They remind me of Padfoot and Moony." He said "They're fine."

"Did you just say Padfoot?" Fred asked

"And moony?" George added "Where-where did you hear those names?"

Harry looked confused.

"Padfoot's my godfather and Moony is his......friend." Harry said slowly "They were my dad's best friends them and one other that we don't talk about."

"Wormtail?" George suggested.

Harry looked angry.

"His name is Peter. He betrayed my parents then disappeared. He was never caught." Harry glowered "Wormtail belongs in Azkaban."

"B-betrayed your parents?" Ron asked

"Sold them out to Voldemort." Harry admitted, standing up. "Ten years ago today. I've got work to do. See you at the feast."

He stormed off. The twins watched him, stunned.

"Your dad was one of the best pranksters hogwarts has ever seen!" Fred yelled after him "that's amazing!"

Harry blinked back tears as he entered the walkway.

"Something wrong Potter?" A drawling voice asked.

Harry looked up to see Professor Snape. He shook his head.

"I'm fine. Thank you professor." He said "I've got homework."

He waved his potions book.

"Distracted?" Severus asked "I assigned that work three days ago."

Harry nodded.

"Just A bit." He admitted. "It'll be done by Monday."

Severus raised his eyebrow.

"I wont pity you Potter." He warned "We've all lost people."

He walked around the boy, his robes sweeping the ground as he walked away.

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