Tsukkishima x Reader

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The Karasuno Volleyball team had no practice due for the day so everyone on the team had proceeded to do their own thing after school was done.
That also applied to the two lovebirds Tsukkishima and Y/n.

When Tsukkishima had heard that there would be no practice for that evening, he had decided to invite his lovely boyfriend over to his house to continue watching a show they were in the middle of obsessing over. Y/n was exctactic and packed his things to go over Tsukki's house.

As Y/n checked the time, he saw that he only had about 15 minutes to make it to his boyfriends house before being later than he had originally promised. He quickly threw on his hoodie, which was a size too big for him and snatched a bag of snacks he had bought for them to munch on while watching their show.

He left without another glance at his house.


When Y/n arrived, he was surprised to see, not Tsukkishima or his mom, but his boyfriends older brother standing at the front door. Like Tsukki, he was also a giant, making Y/n crane his neck to be able to actually look him the eyes.

"Ohh, you must be the guy lil Tsukki's been telling me about. Though, he failed to mention how short you were."

Y/n fumed at his comment, he hated being called short by the team. It's not like he was below average or anything in height. In a sense, he was like Noya and Hinata when it came to his height, at least reaction wise.

The other Karasuno boys were sensitive about their height and always defended themself when it came to being teased. Y/n wasn't teased as much but when he was, he got defensive and pretty pissed.

He got his height from his mom, his dad was pretty damn tall, so his height met at the middle for average.

"I'm (Y/h), so I'm not that short! You're just freakishly tall!" He exclaimed.

Tsukkishima's older brother laughed but was pushed to the side by the tsundere of the hour, Tsukki himself.

"Shut up, dumbass." (I forgot Tsukkishima's brothers name forgive me)

Y/n's towering boyfriend stepped forward and grabbed Y/n's hand as he led him to his room to continue their show.

For the first time since they had met, Y/n realized how much Tsukkishima's hand engulfed his. It seemed that it wasn't only his h right that powered over him. His small hand was literally trapped.


As the drama began to get real, Y/n let his head rest on Tsukkishima's shoulder and layed there, his eyes fluttering shut every so often.

"Hey, Pipsqueak," Tsukkishima tapped his boyfriends shoulder with a stoic expression. Y/n groaned and looked up at his boyfriend with half lidded eyes.


"If you're going to fall asleep, at least take off your binder."

Tsukkishima knew Y/n was trans and so did the rest of their team.

It happened when Coach Ukai had looked through Y/n's school files. His name was under D/n and his gender was assigned as female. Secretly, he knew that Y/n was a bit feminine for a boy. However he insisted continuously that he was one, so the question of whether biological or not never came up.

After he had found out, he had a small meeting with him and they searched the rule book to see if it was against the rules for him to continue playing.

It wasn't, and sometime after Y/n had began to stop wearing binders around his team all the time. Since he hung out with them regularly, he used to bind over the 8 hour mark and it was taking a toll on him.

He began to occasionally bind safer and no one on the team questioned the sudden appearance of boobs. They thought that if they asked about it, if would come off as perverted or weird.

Her never really had to tell them, they kinda just knew after that.

During practice and practice games however Tsukkishima was always the one to make him take off his binder. Everyone else seemed to give up after a few attempts at doing so. Tsukki however was a lot more persistent and even teased him when he would refuse.

Tanaka and Noya had succeeded very few times and always paraded about it even when it was irrelevant. Even Sugawara was able to convince him once. Although every other time it was his boyfriend Tsukkishima who would be able to convince him. That was one of the reasons they began dating.

Tsukkishima accepted Y/n with no question and despite his tsundere nature, he would still care for Y/n.

Everyone on the Karasuno team also cared about Y/n and his health, it seemed that it was only Y/n who didn't seem to care as much. He did, it was just sometimes his dysphoria reached high levels and usually his boyfriend would be there to know what was wrong and comfort him.

Y/n would vent to Tsukkishima most of the time, however sometimes that seemed like too much and he would keep to himself. With Tsukkishima's tsundere personality he was afraid that he would call him out on the amount of problems he went on to rant about and perhaps call it annoying. It was one of his great fears, and to steer away from them becoming a reality he would fake a smile.

He would go on to tell everyone that everything was okay. That only proceeded in increasing his dysphoria by bottling it up. His feelings would make it harder to take off his binder when he really needed to. By now, he got used to binding for 10+ hours and Tsukkishima took notice.

"Tsukki, I don't really feel like taking it off right now, I'll take it off later."

"No! Your going to change out of your binder now!"

Tsukki was worried, but he wouldn't admit to that. He loved Y/n with all of his heart and with all of the times he vented to him he couldn't seem to shake the feeling of the need to protect him. To take away his dysphoria and make him feel as manly as possible. Somehow, he felt he failed at that.

"But, Tsuk-"

"I said no!" Tsukkishima got on top of Y/n and pinned him to the bed. (No worries there will be no lemon) Instead of it being more a frisky action, it was more to show who was dominant and who should be listening to who. His eyes became slits as he glared down at Y/n.

"You are going to take off your binder whether you like it or not. I am not going to have you risk your health and safety because of some damn insecurity of yours."

Y/n began to tear up. Is that how he saw his dysphoria? Just some insecurities? Maybe it was, but to him it felt like so much more than that. Y/n usually took things and found a bigger meaning to it, mainly because of his anxiety.

The blond realized what he said and how he had phrased it, he couldn't help but rethink his next phrasing of words and let you go.

He only wanted the best for you, he knew how you felt and he didn't want you to risk future surgeries, he just wanted you to be you. To be happy and regret free. Nothing like him.

"Please, just... Don't wear your binder for too long. I love you Y/n and to see you hurt yourself like this is torture to me. I know you want to wear your binder because it makes you look more masculine but the fact that you have a bigger chest than most guys doesn't mean you aren't one. I say your one of the bravest guys I know, hell even of the handsomest if I'm being honest. Y/n, whatever it takes for you to be happy, I'll make that sacrifice."

Tsukkishima shook his head and changed his wording, "No, I'll do whatever it takes to make sure your at the peak of happiness, because a cute guy like you, shouldn't have any less."

A/n: How did I do for the first oneshot? Good?

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