Chapter Nine

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Three Years Later...

The nerves began to set in as he walked through the hallway, a corridor that seemed to go on for days. It was the moment of truth, a discussion he was thrilled to have and sad to have at the same time.

His future rested on this conversation.

It seemed like he had been thinking that very same thought only a few years previous. A few years ago his boss had decided to give him the chance to go on this amazing journey, and here he was, about to speak to his new boss.

The time he had spent travelling the globe, speaking to the world's scientists, being on TV, it was an experience he was truly honored to be a part of. His choice to spend the past years with his crew and panel of experts would be a choice he would not regret.

It was Rachel who had motivated him to do this, he owed her a lot. If it weren't for her he would have thrown in the towel, he would have come home and returned to his dead-end job.

The only way he could find it in himself to work hard and stay away from home was the people that he couldn't see every day: his friends and family. A future filled with promise and opportunities of all sorts lay ahead, and he owed it all to this job and the people he loved that had supported him with all their heart.

Ross missed them every day. He threw himself into his job so he wouldn't be depressed thinking about how far he was from them. They sent him pictures, they talked to him on a regular basis, but it sometimes only made him miss them more.

It had been a wild ride, seeing the world, holding newly discovered fossils in his own hands, but he always knew it would have to come to an end someday.

It was his time to step down from this position, let another young scientist take his place. It was time for him to return to New York. He had fulfilled his calling; he had gotten be involved in an experience that many scientists could only ever dream of.

He had lived his dream career, now he needed to return home to live his dream relationship.

He reached his destination, his boss' office. He rapidly wiped his sweating palms on his suit jacket before gripping the doorknob.

Ross opened the door a sliver, enough to peer through the gap. Before opening his mouth he cleared his throat. The sound caused his boss to look up from his desk.

"Sir, you wanted to talk?" Ross asked, nervously.

"Yes, yes, come in," The man said, enthusiastically. His boss' tone of voice offered Ross some encouragement; he seemed to be in a pleasant mood.

Ross awkwardly took a seat in the chair across from the man, clasping his hands in his lap.

"I spoke to The Museum of Natural History earlier today," Ross began, slowly.

"Do I need to find someone to take your place?" The man asked, lightheartedly.

"Uh, I guess so. They said they'd love to have me back in New York," Ross answered, unable to keep the smile from spreading across his face.

Not only had they told him they'd love to have him back, they said they would be honored to have him return after the journey he'd been on. The museum had even gone as far as deciding to name him Head of the Paleontology Department.

"That's good news, Doctor Geller... Are you 100% sure this is what you want?" The man questioned. But, Ross' heart was already set on returning home. Even if the museum hadn't taken him back, he would have gone home anyway. Being given this job and title was merely icing on the cake.

"I'm absolutely positive," Ross stated, his smile only growing. He thought about his friends and family, he couldn't wait to be with them again.

"We'll miss you around here," Ross' boss admitted sadly.

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