How it all began

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It was Saturday night and Isabel decided that today would be the girls' night, that is, to go to some bar and get really crazy, I was not in the mood, the week was being particularly difficult, but it was impossible to say no to Isabel.

So I got ready the best that my mood allowed me, a short dress and very high heels.

It was almost 8 PM when I arrived at Lando's house, I opened the door and I heard voices coming from the main room, apparently the boys were already here, Max and Pierre were talking sitting on the couch, while Charles was playing video games with Lando, and Carlos and Isabel were in the kitchen.

- Hi Max, I didn't know you was going to do a boys' night -

- Yeah , very funny , Charles, Pierre and Carlos decided to stay here to wait for you to come back from the bar, and I was around.

- Have Caterina and Charlotte arrived here yet?

- I didn't see them

Great, I was almost giving up and coming home, I just wanted my netfliz and popcorn,I sat on the couch next to Max to wait for them. 

4 Years AGO:

- I hope you are finished packing everything Amy, we are leaving in 2 hours.- Almost everything ready mom !!- Amy, take the boxes in the basement too, please.- OK

I honestly didn't want to move so far, another state, it seemed like a nightmare, I was in my senior year of high school, I would miss my dance. I tried to argue this with my parents, but I didn't have a chance, now I'm here, finishing packing my stuff and leaving everything behind in less than 2 hours

I hate going to the basement, it reminds me of horror movies, so I intend to spend as little time as possible down here, the boxes were a little heavy, but I was having luck so far. I lifted the last box and started up the stairs when suddenly the bottom of the box tears and everything falls to the floor.

- I don't believe it, I hate basements.

I got down on my knees and started to collect the papers that were scattered on the floor, until 1 of these papers caught my attention, I started reading and I couldn't believe what was written, it was a document proving that my father had another son, his name was Max but the last name was blurred so I couldn't understand. 

- Is everything okay down there Amy?- Yes mom, I'm already going up

I put the paper inside my shirt and went up with the box. Soon the truck arrived and I said goodbye to my old life

All the way to NY I was wondering who Max was and what happened to him, my dad never mentioned another marriage, or another son.

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