Azula: What is it now?

Ty-Lee: T-T-There! A r-really red aura.

Azula: And red would mean what exactly.

The warden stepped outside, eyes searching for Brielle.

Eventually Azula's eyes widened as she cracked a smile to herself

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Eventually Azula's eyes widened as she cracked a smile to herself.

Azula: Warden, you said there had been a rash of murders lately?

Warden: Y-yes, your highness.

Azula: Well then, I believe Ty Lee just found your culprit.

Brielle barely had time to jump before a blast of blue fire was shot at her. Ty-Lee's eyes follow her movement, and Azula's movements followed her eyes. Brielle jumped again as she sent another blast of blue hellfire at her before jumping away.

Running across the catwalk raised voices caught Brielle's attention, she peaked into the cell to see Zuko was in a room with a rather gloomy looking girl.

Running across the catwalk raised voices caught Brielle's attention, she peaked into the cell to see Zuko was in a room with a rather gloomy looking girl

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They had left the door open, and they were arguing about something. Probably his siding with Aang and his gang.

Brielle purred darkly, stepping into the interrogation room, Zuko looked up and out the door as she moved inside the room. He heard the faint steps of Brielle's feet upon the metal floor, as Brielle moved into the room Zuko's scarred face followed her. Until Mai whacked him on the back of the head, Brielle chuckled darkly as she yelled at him.

Mai: Are you listening to me!

Brielle stepped back leaning against a wall, forming a plan in her head. Surely the Princess was here for a reason, more than likely she had come for Zuko, now that he'd been caught. Zuko shushed Mai, listening closely.

Mai: Don't shush me!

Mai looking very hurt, but Zuko turned to her with a serious look. She silenced herself, looking concerned.

Mai: Zuko, what's going on?

Zuko looked around, watching Brielle's spot carefully.

Zuko Mai, what do you know about Shadowbenders?

Mai: Shadowbenders? What do-

Zuko: I think one might be after me.

Mai's eyes widened before she advanced on Zuko.

Mai: Don't even joke about that! You've heard the stories, you know what those things can do!

Zuko: I know. Mai, I think you should leave.

Mai: Oh, so I should just leave YOU this time?

Zuko: It's here.

Brielle didn't move, she didn't even breathe. What was wrong with her? At this point invisibility was becoming pointless! Mai looked around the dark of the room as Zuko stood there, he looked ready for a fight.

Mai: Maybe it's here for Azula?

Zuko: I don't think it even knows about my sister, it killed the man I sent to kill the Avatar, and then tried to kill a few of his friends.

The prison rocked, and the sounds of battle echoed from the outside. A guard ran to the door.

Guard: Ma'am, there's a riot going on! I'm here to protect you!

Mai: I don't need any protection.

Zuko: Believe me, she doesn't.

Guard: I'm sorry, but I'm under direct orders from your uncle to make sure nothing happens.

Zuko made his move in an instant, a blast of fire exuded from his fist and he made a break for the open door. The guard toppled into Mai as Zuko ran.

Mai: Get off of me!

Mai tossed the guard to the side, she ran for the door but not before Zuko shut and locked it. Brielle could see Mai's eyes water from where she was, and heard the steps of Zuko making his escape.

The guard groaned and got up as Brielle
de-cloaked, if her new plan was to work she needed to get rid of as many guards as she could. She'd check on Wolf to see if he found DeathGrip, if not she'd go to fight Azula and kill her, then they'd get the hell out of there.

The guard gurgled as Brielle drove her spear into his gut and his corpse against the wall. She tossed him away as Mai turned, the shock on her face was priceless. But, she wasn't as weak as Brielle thought she was.

In a flash she was at the guard, instead of trying to save the already dead man she rose. Holding a key, no doubt the key to this cell. Brielle growled and stepped forward, but she held up the key.

Mai: Can you understand me?

Fear was in her voice, but determination hid it well. Brielle nodded as Mai took a deep breath.

Mai: Good, then listen. I know you're probably hear to kill Zuko, but I can't let that happen. But I'll give you someone better, Azula. But you have to swear on your honor that you won't try and kill Zuko, now or later. Otherwise.

She held the key out the window, and drew a trio of knives from her sleeves.

Mai: You'll have to get through me, Think you can reach me before I cut the nerves in your legs and then go for your heart?"

Brielle paused, considering her options.

On one hand, she could kill Mai, tear off the door to this cell, and be on her way. But even she couldn't tackle this whole prison on her own. And, if she was offering to help her by giving her Azula without Ty-Lee around, She could supposed Zuko was the price she'd have to pay.

But to swear on her honor? That would bind her like a dog on a leash. A Yautja would rather die than break an honor oath, and she doesn't die easily.

The moment was tense and long. Mai stiffened, ready for combat, but Brielle resigned herself to fate and nodded. Mai reached the key around and opened the door.

Mai: She's gonna try and cut the line, when she goes for Zuko, she's all yours. And if you need to call me something, names Mai.

Brielle: ...Brielle.

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