Learning and using...

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I fell into a arcade type thing. I looked around for 4 hours and walked for 2. I was ready to pass out. But I pushed through. I swore if I saw an entity I was done for! It sucked but I remembered I had bread! I spared it throughout this level. I kept the rest in my clenched, dark and cold right hand. In my left I held my flashlight. On my back is where the bat was held. I found some nails and hammered it into the bat using my foot. "Ow!"  Yes it hurt but it was worth the weapon. I seen another survivor. But I ended up ignoring him. He didn't disappear?! I started to trust him but not too much. I gave him some bread and we found a knife on the arcade game. I gave it to him. I started not trusting him as much when he ate a dead body. We kept searching and my trust started to rise again. We found the exit in 2 hours! Well... With each other. 2 days later, he said he had been stuck there for a total of 13 hours. "13 HOURS?!" I said in shock "Yeah I've been stuck in The Backrooms for 4 days," he said. I started to trust him more. I learned his name was Jacob! We started to look around together. This level was an abandoned city. We went into hotels and apartments. We stayed in an apartment for 12 hours to rest and gather food and clothing. Then we discovered on level 60 that we could wash the sheets and clothes we found. We put together a total of 18 outfits. I packed my outfits in a medium sized bag. Jacob packed his stuff in a bigger bag along with some weapons. We started exploring more. We only spotted 2 Entities the 3 days we were there. Me and Jacob spent hours together. It felt like I was falling in love with him. My trust in him began to grow even more. We started going on more adventures and we tamed 'Jerry'  with almond water. We both tamed him with 2 different things. Jacob used sunflower seeds. We felt safe. For now....

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