Nineteen - Attack on the Sand

Start from the beginning

"Okay! Okay! I'm the invisible one, not them, I can see them! I believe you." Hagakure... Pouted?

"How was your lunch?" Momo asked as she readjusted her large sun hat.

"It was pretty good." Uraraka stood up and petted her belly. "You ready to do some shopping, Ren?"

Ren collected her things and nodded. 'Hm.' She let out a quiet sigh of relief, Ashido's always magnificent timing had saved her from answering Uraraka's dreaded question. But now she couldn't help but think it to herself, did she love him?

They walked along the boardwalk back towards the main street of the town, chatting excitedly as they went. They'd almost reached the end of the walk when Ren paused, trailing behind the others who hadn't yet noticed she'd stopped.

Ren rubbed the back of her neck as the little hairs at the base of her hairline pricked up and a chill ran down her spine. It was beautiful and warm, sunny with a light breeze and just the perfect amount of humidity. And yet she felt cold, so very cold.

Jiro paused when the amount of feet travelling in their group sounded unbalanced to her. She glanced back at Ren and raised a curious brow. "You alright Ren?"

"Just this... Weird feeling that... I'm being watched..." She mumbled as she tried to warm the back of her neck. 'Hng?!' Ren spun around to face the beach just a large and grotesque creature landed on the sand.

It's skin was dark navy, a large pair of bat-like wings sprouted from its back, it's eyes were bulging on top of its head and it sported a toothy, evil grin.

"W-what the heeeellll?" Jiro clenched her fists together.

"A- A Nomu!" Yaoyorozo exclaimed. "Here?!"

The Nomu cried out a spine chilling screech. People along the beach and boardwalk screamed and scuttled everywhere. Everything seemed to wind down in speed; Ren could see every grain of sand as it was kicked up, every bag falling to the ground, every wail coming out over extended moments rather than brief seconds. She had to snap out of it. Years of ruthless training followed by heroic instruction couldn't go to waste, not now, not ever.

Ren blinked and as if by magic the world around her had returned to its fast paced chaotic state. "We have to get hold of the others!" She pulled her phone out but there were no bars. "Ungh! No reception!"

"Me neither!" Uraraka showed her phone.

"Okay." Ren threw her things to the side. "Comms are down but we can still get a message to the others. Ashido, you're the fastest, head home and get everyone. Jiro, I need you to be the ears, scope out if there's more of these guys hanging around. Hagakure, Uraraka and Asui, crowd control. I need you guys to gather up the citizens and get them to safety. Make sure no one is hurt." Ren slipped her shoes off and leapt onto the sand. "Yaomomo, with me!"

They all nodded with a 'hm' and hastened to get to their tasks. Ren sprinted across the sand towards the Nomu with Yaoyorozu close behind her. "I remember seeing things like this on the news in the States!" Ren called out to Momo. "My dad thought it was impressive... I just think it's terrifying!"

"What's the plan?" Momo called back as they got closer to the creature.

"I hadn't thought that far. Anything offensive so we can work out this things power." Ren nodded at Momo before she slid to a halt. The Nomu screeched at them again and leapt up. "Look out!" Ren grabbed Momo's arm and pulled her out of the way of the Nomu's landing spot.

Sand exploded around them. "Right." Momo ripped her shirt down the middle and an immediate explosion of colourful light shone from her stomach. "I need some time."

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