Day Eight: Treasure

Start from the beginning

"Both of you cut it out," Law ordered, cutting them a glare.

They ignored him. Law rolled his eyes and stood. He headed over to the table Luffy and Zoro were at. Zoro saw him coming but Luffy's back was to him. Law put his finger over his lips, motioning Zoro to not say anything.

Law slid into the booth next to Luffy, putting his arm over the back of the seat and scooting close to Luffy.

"You know, I couldn't help but notice the most gorgeous man from across the bar, come here often?" Law asked with his voice lowered.

"That's was the corniest shit I've heard in a while, Law," Zoro remarked.

"Torao, are you flirting with me?" Luffy asked.

"Well, that I thought, was obvious considering how corny it was," Law glanced at Zoro as he spoke.

"Pen and Shachi at the bar?" Zoro asked. Law just nodded.

"Hm," Luffy hummed before smirking at Law. "You should know I have a boyfriend."

"He doesn't have to know," Law leaned in a little closer to Luffy.

"He'd definitely kick your ass," Luffy pointed out.

"I think I'll take my chances," Law said leaning in a little closer.

"Hey man." A guy from the booth behind them pushed Law back from Luffy. "He said he's got a boyfriend, back off."

Law chuckled, "I admire you looking out for him, but I know he has a boyfriend, I'm his boyfriend."

"You expect me to believe that?" The guy said, pushing up his glasses.

"Love, please fix this," Law said, gesturing to the guy that still had his hand on Law's chest.

"He is my boyfriend," Luffy confirmed. "We were just messing around."

"Oh," The guy muttered. He glanced at Luffy.

"Really though," Law said. "Thanks for trying to look out for him, I appreciate it."

"No problem," the guy said.

"Traffy, let's get home," Luffy suggested, he pulled on Law's shirt and whispered, "I want you to pin me to the bed."

Law smirked. "I dunno, I drove Shachi and Penguin here."

"Zoro drove me here and he's with them, so they'll be fine," Luffy assured.

"Good enough for me," Law said. "I'll let them know and meet you outside."

"Shishi, okay!" Law and Luffy scooted out of the booth. Luffy all but skipped out of the bar.

Luffy stood under the sidewalk light with his hands in his pockets. It was starting to get kinda cold despite it only being early September.

"Hey!" Luffy looked over at the bar entrance. It was the guy that tried to keep Law from hitting on Luffy earlier.

Oh, he was looking directly at Luffy.

"That guy's not bothering you anymore," the guy said.

"What? He wasn't bothering, to begin with, I told you he's my boyfriend," Luffy said. The guy came closer to him.

"You don't gotta lie to me when he's not around." The guy put his arm around Luffy's shoulders. Luffy scrunched his nose and pushed the guy's arm off.

"He's gunna come out any second and if you don't leave me alone I'm gunna kick your ass."

"A twink like you? Yeah right," the guy scoffed. The guy stepped closer to Luffy and Luffy took a step back until his back hit the building. The guy pressed his hand to the wall next to Luffy, leaning over him.

That would be hot if it were Law.

"Hey, I said leave me alone!" Luffy shoved the guy off of him.

"Lu, you alright?" Law asked.

"Yeah, let's go," Luffy said. Law walked up to Luffy, hooking his arm around Luffy's shoulders.

"You sure you're alright, Love?" Law asked

"Yeah, I think that guy was just pretending to be nice earlier," Luffy glanced over his shoulder to the guy that was watching after them.

"Seems like it," Law agreed, twirling the car keys on his fingers. "Is pinning you to the bed still on the table or will I have to take a rain check?"

"Shishishi, I want you to do way more than that," Luffy grinned.

"Monkey D. Luffy you are playing a dangerous game," Law murmured. "Let's just hope I don't get pulled over trying to get you in that bed."

"You're hot, you can flirt you're way out of a ticket," Luffy said.

"Oh?" Law chuckled. "You know, most say flirting is cheating."

"Not when you don't mean it," Luffy said. "Or when it gets you out of a ticket."

"I'll keep that in mind. Law finally found the car and unlocked it. He opened the door for Luffy before getting in the car himself. 

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