First baby scan and easter holidays

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I've been at the Weasley's house for the past 2 weeks. It's been lovely not feeling stressed and scared that I've fucked up something important that will get me killed. It's also been nice for me and my dad to get to know eachother, and I'm happy that I'm no longer a death eater and can be back with my father. Unfortunately the fun does come to an end next week when we return back to Hogwarts for the last 2 weeks of school.

I was reading one of my favourite spell books in my room when my dad walked in, "hey princess how are you feeling today?" He asked.

"I'm still throwing up constantly, how long does this bloody morning sickness last?" I asked.

"I don't know your mother never had morning sickness." I rolled my eyes and pouted in my pillow.

"Hey come darling, you need to come downstairs, you have your scan today." My dad said shaking me to get up. I groaned and got out of bed following my dad down the stairs.

"Hello everyone." I smiled as I entered the living room.

"Ah Cerys dear, this is Dr Rosewell, she will be doing your scan." Molly smiled. I nodded and led on the sofa.

"So Cerys are you excited to become a mother?" The Doctor asked.

I nodded, "I'm excited but nervous." I responded, she giggled lightly, "most new mothers are."

She put the clear gel on my bare stomach, and stated moving her little device along the gel, I looked at the screen, all I could see where black and white smudges until she stopped on a small black circle with a little white blob inside.

"There we go, there's your baby." She smiled, I couldn't help but smile and cry with happiness as I saw my baby on the screen.

"You've got a very healthy baby, and I'd say your about 5 weeks." She smiled.

I gave her a huge grin, I couldn't keep my eyes off the screen, "so you want me to print you a scan?" She asked.

I nodded, she got her wand out and put flew a copy of my scan. She gently handed the scan to me and cleaned my stomach from the gel. I sat up still looking at the scan.

"I can't believe this is my baby." I smiled looking at everyone.

"I wonder if it's going to have blonde hair?" Harry asked.

I nodded, "it sure will." I smiled.

"Well you don't know that dear until the baby is born." Molly said, I shook my head, "no the baby will have blonde hair because I'm a blonde too." I smiled.

"But how Sirius got dark hair?" Ron asked, Hermione rolled her eyes, "her mother got blonde hair you twit." She said.

"Oh right." Ron said obviously not knowing, I couldn't help but laugh.

I put the scan inside my notebook to keep it safe. "So what's the plan for today?" I asked.

"Well it is Easter, so I be got a lovely dinner planned. And we also do a egg hunt but with a twist which is magic." Molly announced.

I nodded, "could I do the egg hunt?" I asked, molly shook her head.

"Sorry darling I know it's only an egg hunt, but my darling twins over there aren't exactly gentle when it comes to games." Molly giggled.

"We are gentle, well when we want to be." George chuckle. I rolled my eyes and sighed. So I'm just going to be bored all day.

"You can help me bake some cookies and carrot cake if you'd like Cerys?" Molly asked.

I nodded, "yes please, I don't want to be sitting down bored." I said.

Everyone went off to do their own thing as I joined Molly in the kitchen.

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