After Party

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Claus POV

We were eating our dinner, and Ninten said he had to go to the bathroom.

He got up and left.

"So how's it going with Ninten" Dad asks

I blush

"Uhhh good" I say with an awkward smile

"Ok, but if he gives you any trouble, he'll have to deal with me" Dad says

"Ok dad" I assured him

Lucas POV

"So how's Ness been to you?" Ness's sister Tracy asks

"He's been fine" I told her

"Are you sure, didn't you tell me he says okey too much?" Claus tells me

"Yes, but that's his catchphrase, plus it's cute" I said

My dad looks up, then goes back to his burger

"Yeah sure" Tracy said

"He says that every day 24/7" Tracy said

"Is everyone enjoying their meal?" the waiter asks

"Yes" we all say in unison

"Oh and one more thing" the waiter says "Someone told me to tell you that your bill has been paid completely, and he requests that you all go to the Onett Fountain (A/N: I don't know I made it up).

So we finished our meal and left for the fountain.

Claus POV

We made it to the fountain, and no one was there

"Who is this guy anyway" Tracy says

"Now now Tracy" Ness's mom says. "A kind person paid for our meal, it's only fair we obey his request"

"Yeah as if they'll appear, it's probably someone going to be behind our backs trying to scare us" Ness whispers in Tracy's ear

She giggles

"Oh look here comes someone now" I say

"It looks like Ninten" I say

"Ninten?" I scream "Is that you?"

"Yes, and I would like to ask you one question" Ninten says

He walks into the light, gets on one knee

"Claus will you marry me" He asks

"Yes Yes Yes" I say

Everyone was clapping, and very happy, my dad was crying literally crying.

After that, we all went home, but I didn't go home, Ninten had got a hotel room at hotel Onett. So we went there to spend the night officially as fiances.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2020 ⏰

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