Warmth (Terubai/Teruya Otori x Syobai Hashimoto)

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(Warnings: spoilers for chapter 4!)

Somehow, for reasons still unknown, the Tower of Babel had gotten hellishly cold overnight last night. The students in the break room had gotten hot packs from Teruya and shared them with each other. They also slept next to each other for the sake of sharing body heat.

Near the top of the tower, in a storage room off to the side, Syobai had surrounded his sleeping area with open books as insulation, though he was just as cold as the other students. Unlike the others, he only had one hot pack which he used to warm the books he would be surrounding himself with as well as some parts of his body. 

As night finally fell over the island, Syobai shivered and covered his mouth with his hand as not to let any sound escape. He knew from a young age that weakness meant death, so he couldn't afford to show any. To his surprise, somebody knocked on the door. "Fuck off." He replied, trying not to let his voice crack from the cold.

The unwanted visitor ignored him and let themselves in, revealing it to be the green-haired merchant. "Hey, Syobai." Teruya greeted.

"What do you want, rainbow dipshit?" Syobai growled, looking over from his book-covered table.

"I'm just wondering, how are you not frozen to a popsicle by now? It's freezing up here!" The merchant walked inside the room, making sure to close the door behind him fully.

Syobai rolled his eyes, putting his head back down. "I have my ways, and those are none of your business." He replied.

Teruya paused for a moment. "You look really cold. Maybe we can-"

"I'm not sleeping beside you, idiot." The broker cut him off, looking back up at him with a glare.

"A-Are you sure? I'm sure body heat is more helpful than a hot pack. And you only have one?!" Teruya looked at Syobai's living arrangements with horror, wondering how this man was even alive at this point. 

"Yeah, you took the rest for the other fuckers." Syobai put his head back down. He thought for a moment, considering his options and weighing what consequences would come from letting Teruya stay. He quickly figured out that he could get both body heat to survive the night and money in the morning in exchange for food for the other from Teruya. "Alright, fine. Get over here." He coldly demanded.

"Alright then." Teruya smiled and got on top of the table, going close to Syobai. However, he got swatted when he tried to put his arms around him. Soon enough, Teruya fell asleep.

Of course, Syobai only pretended to sleep, making absolute sure that Teruya wouldn't try anything sketchy in his sleep. As soon as he heard Teruya's breaths grow even and soft snoring came from him, he dropped his guard.

A sudden chill came over Syobai and he curled into himself, accidentally pressing himself against Teruya. It was only then that he realized how warm the merchant was compared to him. Probably from moving around so much, he thought. Uncurling himself and moving slowly as to not wake Teruya up, he moved closer to the merchant and pressed their bodies up against each other.

He felt something metallic on Teruya's hip and realized that it was the gun. Pulling his coat up to expose his hip, Syobai silently took the gun off his belt and put it on the floor. He pulled Teruya's coat down and then had a worrying thought: did Teruya have any more weapons on him? To check this out, he put his hand inside Teruya's coat, gently patting him down to check for weapons or tools. In doing so, he had unintentionally wrapped his arm around Teruya's waist.

Suddenly, Syobai felt an arm wrap around himself. He immediately stiffened, ready to roundhouse kick Teruya off the table. He paused for a moment, knowing from experience that he should observe the situation before jumping to conclusions. After hearing the merchant continue to snore, he realized that Teruya was unintentionally doing it in his sleep and relaxed his body. Must be some sort of reflex; I do have my arm wrapped around him, Syobai internally kicked himself for making such an error.

While he was being unintentionally cuddled by the merchant, Syobai felt...a strange feeling well up from deep inside him. Perhaps nostalgia from his childhood...was it safety? Regardless, his body was going limp on its own whims. Syobai didn't bother moving his arm, instead sighing and nuzzling his face into Teruya's chest. Of course, he would deny everything in the morning, both to Teruya and himself, but he was content with indulging in these strange feeling...for now.

Art credit: shsl.punk on instagram

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