fifth chapter

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author's note: i really didn't think anyone was gonna read this but a couple people have so i guess i'll keep writing, give me suggestions to keep it interesting :)

(y/n's pov)

I truly can't believe this is happening! I looked at my follower count and realized that they were pouring in by the minute. As soon as the fangirls realized that these "famous" people followed me they were all over me. I wasn't really sure how to process any of this. I kind of always wanted to be famous but this seems like kinda an unfair way to get there. All i did was accidently be added to a group chat with famous people. There are probably a million people who would kill to be in my shoes. I need to do something to deserve this. I'm going to nail this fucking audtion, get the fucking role, and fucking make something of myself. Fuck. 

Y/n starts working on the audition video and looks into quick acting classes. Eventually she gets tired enough to fall asleep and the last thought she has is of Finn and how silly he is. 

(y/n's dreams)

Y/n was walking down her street and saw someone walking towards her. She lives in a small town and knows most people there so she decided to greet them. 

"Hey! Good morning!" she said cheerfully.

"Whatever." the stranger said while shoving her on the shoulder with his shoulder. 

What the fuck?  y/n thought. Who does he think he is?

"Well that was fucking rude,"

He turned around, "Sorry I'm having a rough day."

Shit is that Finn Wolfhard? What the hell is he doing in t/n (town's name)? 

"Uhm are you Finn Wolfhard?" she asks.

"Yeah, do you want a picture or something?" His words come out quickly and he sounds frustrated.

"Well I would rather get to know you, but if you're in a hurry than I guess so...?" 

"Sorry no I'm just used to fans only wanting a picture." He holds out his hand for her to shake it.

"What's your name?" He asks politely.

"Y/n," she says, "Do you want to come over to my house for a cup of tea or something? I live right down the road."

"Sure," he answers.

Y/n wakes up in the morning.

(A/n) Sorry I'm a fucking bad writer I really didn't know what to do with this chapter. I reallly need suggestions fam anyways, also sorry this is short

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