Chapter 10 •tryouts•

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-the next day-
I woke up and got ready by taking a shower and curling my hair. I got dressed in a white shirt and black nike shorts. "Today is cheer tryouts!!!" I exclaim. I see barron through the mirror peeking into the door of the bathroom. "Hiiii" I smile and say to him. He just smiles and hugs me from behind. Eeeee, I love hugs from behind! I finish doing simple but shimmery makeup and I top it all off with my favorite glossier lip gloss. I put on my cheer shoes that I've brought from home, because I do cheer at my school back in Texas. (This camp, is like kids from all around America can come to) I lace them up and put on my bow, I spray myself in perfume and get a granola bar. I quickly dIgEsT it 😍 and stretch. Completely ignoring Barron. Out of the corner of my eye I see barron approaching me, I still instantly get butterflies. I smile and look up at him, he is such the cutest darling ever! I give him a kiss right by his mouth but not on it. He grabs me by my waist and kisses me. I smile during the kiss and slowly pull back away. I smile and hug him. "Gosh, I love this boy... wait... what is going to happen when camp is over..." I thought. I got a lump in my throat, and my eyes started to water. He looks down at me, "what's wrong" he says in a calm tone. I look up at him and say "What will happen when camp is over and I have to go back to Texas..." I wait for a reply. "I don't honestly know... But we will stay together, I love you and I can not lose you, no matter how far apart we are! You are mine, forever." He smiles. I smile back and just hug him not wanting to let go.

-like an hour later cause I'm a lazy biatch-

I'm currently sitting in the locker room waiting for my time to go and tryout. I hear my number get called. "Number 14!" I quickly get up and walk out of the locker room and into the gym. I give the judges a nice big smile. (I don't know how Yalls tryouts go, but thats how my new school does tryouts :)))). ) They smile back and nod, meaning that I can start. I start off my doing a toe touch. "Let's go Bobcats!" (That's the team name teehee) I smile and do a Hurkey. "Let's go Baltimore!" (Baltimore Maryland) I finish off with another Toe Touch. I start to tumble to the middle of the tryout floor, doing a round off ,back handspring, and then into a full back, landing directly in the middle. "Let's go Bobcats!" I smile and start off with the cheer chant we learned.

-time skip cause this to hard to explain teehee-
-after tryouts-
All the girls are sitting on the gym floor waiting for results right now. I have a really good fealing about all of this! I wait in silence. "Click, Clack, Click" I hear as a lady in high heels is walking towards us with a notebook and pen. I smile at her, and she smiles back. "Hello ladies" The lady says. "I have gathered the numbers of the girls who have made the team" we all get quite, I start to feel really queasy, and have an upset tummy as I sit in silence waiting for the numbers to be called. "Numbers, 18, 32, 97, 57, 84, 62, 59, 73, 95, 61, 38..." she announces. My stomach instantly drops knowing number 14 wasn't called. "Oh wait... one more number left, my bad" she says. I get really nervous again and wait. "Number 14!" She announces. "AHHHHHHHH" all of the girls scream. I get up and give everybody a hug. I go up to the lady and shake her hand and give her a smile. I walk back to the cabin and take a shower, washing my hair and my body and getting as much makeup off me as possible. I finish shortly after and get dressed in soft cotton shorts and a Nike sports bra. I wrap my hair up in a towel and walk out of the bathroom and see barron. I run up to him and jump in his arms. "You did it baby, you made the team!!!" He smiles and congratulates me. I smile back and kiss him softly. Things started to get a little heated, but I pulled away before anything else could happen. "We are underage Barron!" I laugh but also being kind of serious. He just laughs and goes and lays on his bed and I lay on mine, shortly falling asleep after.

HEY YALL, ITS ME AGAIN! Also, to the ones that wanted me to tell barron something, I kind of can't, because he has like everybody watching him and I don't think they want one of his old friends to go up to him. But also if trump wins, my family may go back to working for him! And so that will mean I move back!! :))) Also, if I do, how do I tell him about all of this 💀 he is going to the I'm psycho! Lolz. Anyways have a good night/day/morning! 😎😎 and stay cool! RAWR! 🙈

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