"Where to, Princess?" Joseph asked, locking his gaze with Clare in the mirror.

"Wherever you want," Clare shrugged. "But I would like to go for a jog later on."

Joseph nodded. He pulled off the main road and headed down the dirt path that drove into the thick forest behind the palace. Once they were far enough from the roads and their car was hidden in between the trees, Joseph turned off the engine and got out. Clare shifted over to the other side as she waited for him to come around to the back.

One the man had climbed inside, he looked over to the princess and held his arm out. Clare tossed her phone aside and slowly made her way over to his lap. She didn't know how her little affair with Joseph had started but it wasn't worth paying too much attention to. He was a young handsome man who knew Clare wasn't looking for anything serious. He enjoyed her touch and she enjoyed the distraction.

As the rain fell down on the roof of the car and created a steady drum beat, Joseph moved his hand up Clare's sides until he had a firm grip on her hips. She leaned in closer and placed her hands on his wide shoulders. Closing her eyes, Clare tried to lose herself in the sensation of his hands on her skin but like the scent of spoiled milk, smoothing tickled the back of her mind.

"What's wrong?" Joseph asked as Clare paused and pulled back slightly.

"What's with the guilt?" Clare raised a brow. She watched the shift in the man's green eyes as he leaned back.

"I think your dad might be on to us," Joseph said.

"Has he said anything to you?" Clare asked, calmly.

"No, but he wanted to see my log for when I leave palace grounds with you alone."

"Don't worry about it," Clare shrugged.

"Is there something on your mind?"

Clare lifted her gaze. Joseph moved his hand off of her hip and brushed her full bottom lip with his thumb. He waited for her to answer, but Clare only gave a short laugh.

"Do you really care about what's on my mind?" She asked.

"No......not really," Joseph confessed. "I thought I should ask."

"You don't need to know anything about me," Clare said. "Just as I don't need to know anything about you."

Nodding in agreement, Joseph licked his bottom lip as his mind tried to wonder why she was so strange. He didn't mind being her on call distraction, but there was something definitely odd about the princess.

"Stop thinking," Clare frowned. "I didn't call you here for that."

"I'm sorry," Joseph said in his defense. "I'm still thinking about your dad."


"He's my boss!"

"If you're worried about losing your job then don't be," Clare sighed. As she sat on his lap, she could tell her words had no affect on him. The scent of guilt was still very vivrant on him. His hand had moved back to her waist, but he made no move to touch her.

Clare's irritation flickered with the man. She didn't want to dwell in guilt after her morning with Layla. Deciding to take matters into her own hand, she reached up and carefully unbuttoned the first button of her coat. She waited until she had Joseph's full attention to undo the next one.

One by one, as Clare's buttons became undone, she felt the man's guilt dissolve. In its place began to grow a mindless lust she had been seeking all along. Joseph's fingers dug into her hips as he jerked her closer and began to leave wet kisses along her neck.

The Ace of Queens ( Ace of Queens #7)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin