I pressed my lips and avoided his eyes. Maybe Kai was right. Maybe there's not always a reason behind people's actions besides the simple fact that they weren't good.

"Why are you so sure no one else will care for you? If you push people away you will never find out. " I said at last.

He threw his head back and laughed.
"My own family didn't,why would anyone else do it. Look Jenny. I don't need you to turn me into a good person. Maybe your sister did that to Damon but I am not him. "

I bit my lip feeling guilty.
Maybe I did try to find a string of hope for Kai to justify my feelings towards him.

"I guess that's fair." I felt my eyes shutting, completely exhausted I rested my head on his bare shoulder enjoying the heat of his body.

A few seconds later I felt strong arms lifting me and carrying me.
I was too tired to bother and object so I let Kai take me to bed.
He tucked me in and I felt a weight on the bed, realizing he had layed too.

I felt his hand on my waist pulling me closer to him, my back touching his bare chest.
Just like that I quietly fell asleep.

When I opened my eyes I felt relaxed. I was no longer exhausted. The nightmares didn't come this time and I was thankful to Kai for contributing possibly to that.

I turned and saw that Kai was laying on his back. One hand was over his bare stomach and the other was still loosely over my waist.
He chest was rising and falling slowly, indicating that he was still in deep sleep.

My stomach made a growling sound letting me know it was time to eat.

I didn't even know what time it was. Not that it really mattered in this place.

I quietly slipped out of the bed without waking Kai.
I walked into the bathroom and took a quick shower, changing into jeans and a white loose shirt from Damon's closet.

I walked down the kitchen and decided I would make Kai some breakfast since he had cooked me twice already.
I wasn't the best at cooking but I thought eggs and some bacon would do the trick.

I took the pan out and went into the fridge to get the eggs and bacon.

I heard footsteps and I turned around, expecting to see Kai but my mouth fell open.

Bonnie and Damon were standing  in front of me. I blinked a few times taking the sight of them in front of me.
I tried to speak but Bonnie quickly put a finger over her mouth, warning me to stay quiet.
She motioned me to follow her and I did.

We were now out of the house and I immediately jumped at Bonnie hugging her as tight as I could.
I missed her so much.

"We'll take you out of here. " Damon stated once I withdrew from Bonnie.

A felt my lips forming a smile at the thought of going back home but my smile quickly faded.

If they try to trick me, I will have to go through my plan.

Kai's voice echoed in my head. I wanted to believe Kai wouldn't hurt me but he was the one that warned me he wasn't a good person.
I bit my lip? Feeling slightly guilty of leaving him behind.

Losing Your Memory ° Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now