The Departure

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"I know."


After the surgery, Riza left the hospital for lunch. She had measurements to take of her medical bay. She had an idea of what she wanted to do with the house/research money. Some equipment for her medical bay. Of course, she had an allowance from the ship's treasury for herself and up keeping her medical bay. She kept a small savings from that allowance. Leftovers from her restocking or textbooks. So, she wanted some medical equipment and after the talk with Lavinia. Riza knew she would get a good deal and that the equipment would be reliable for her and Redfern.

Riza smiled as the Red Dawn came into sight, her mood was drastically improving as the day progressed. The crew completed the repairs from their recent battle and she looked ready to sail. Her gaze fell onto a figure and she tilted her head. "I thought you'd find something more interesting to do than cloud watching, Captain."

Shanks grinned at his doctor. "Here, I thought that you would've wanted to enjoy land while you had it." He retorted, helping her to get on the deck. "What brings you here?"

"Measurement." Riza explained. "Lavinia offered me a discount and I'm taking advantage of it. I'm thinking of converting one of the two private rooms for one of the pieces of equipment I want."

"How much is it?" Shanks asked as he followed Riza to her medical bay.

"I have a small savings with the allowance that Benn gives me and I recently came into some money with my research that Mira and Lucy have been publishing for me." Riza said, avoiding the house money. Shanks might've had an issue with that. "So, upgrades." She grinned, brightly. Riza shook a tape measure and went about measuring the private room next to her OR.

Shanks smiled back, "So, what are you planning?"

"X-ray machine and CT scan. Both will help me and Redfern, a lot." Riza paused. "CT will also help prevent what happened to me from happening to the rest of the crew. It'll help me and Redfern see."

Shanks nodded. She could see an odd expression appear on his face and he asked, "will it fit?"

"Yeah!" Riza chirped, excitedly.

"Hold on," Shanks said, leaving Riza behind. She started to move small items out and into the private room. "All right, let's go."

Riza stared at her captain. "Shanks, what's in the bag?"

Shanks has the audacity to look bashful. "It's a ship upgrade, isn't it? You don't need to spend the money that you got from your published work."

"Shanks..." Riza sighed. "Yes, it is money from the papers but it's also money from my house..."


"I sold my house, Mark lives there and not being the owner is causing some issues for him. So, I agreed to sell it to him. I think that he's just worried on top of everything." Riza explained. "To be honest, I don't know what to use it for and believe me, this new-to-us equipment won't make a dent in my funds."

"Riz'..." There was the reprimand tone in his voice.

Riza's shoulders sagged. "I'm using it for myself too!" She blurted.

"You'll also be using it for the crew and to make your job and Redfern's job easier, right?" Shanks asked and Riza was starting to see his point in their debate.

Riza nodded, sullenly. "Yes."

"Then, we'll compromise. Halfies for it." Shanks said.

Riza laughed at the absurdity but nodded. "Sure."


The next couple days were extremely busy for Riza. She kept herself in surgery, teaching Redfern or just keeping herself busy. The last day, Riza enjoyed the biggest breakfast that Jess had ever made with her friends and crew. The ones that came anyway. Most wanted to make the last day at port... Well, last. Her captain was among them. Riza made a note to have a round of blood work done for the crew in a couple of months. Riza's mouth twitched in displeasure.

She had a productive day, at least. A day of surgery and fellowship with her peers as lame as it sounded. Redfern came to her during lunch to show her, the books and supplies that she amassed. Riza had to remind her student that she had already civilized the medical bay. Riza had one more dinner with Lucy, Jess, Mira, Mark, Keith and Alice. A small goodbye dinner with a few tears followed by an even more tearful goodbye on the docks.

"Don't be a stranger!" Mark told her as he wrapped her up in a tight hug. Riza laughed and gave him, a friendly kiss. "Save that for next time." Mark laughed with a wink.

Riza grinned and nodded. Keith offered a handshake but she batted his hand down to steal a hug. Alice swept her up into a warm hug. "Take care and call, okay?"

"Gotcha! See you later." Riza chirped and turned to the last four. She smiled, sadly. "This is goodbye for a while."

"Don't be like that!" Mira scolded as she took Riza in her arms. "I want you back here in time for my wedding."

"You're not engaged."

"Yet." Lucy and Jess joined in the hug. "I'm going to keep sending you invites until you respond! Bridesmaid, of course! All you need to do is to show up."

Riza laughed and extracted herself from her people when Benn called for her. "Bye!" She said, walking up the gangplank. Her heart ached, just a bit.

"Better take care of our Coldenheart Riza, Red Hair!" Lucy shouted.

Riza laughed again as she joined her crew on the deck of the Red Dawn, ready to set out for their next adventure.

The Doctor's HeartTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon