That's when I noticed where we were. "I thought you were taking me away from the romance, this place seems pretty romantic to me" He chuckled as we walked behind the tree so no one would see us. "I said away from Valentine's Day" I chuckled and looked over at the lake, I tensed up at the memory. Oliver seemed to notice since he cupped my cheek softly forcing me to look at him. "I'll protect you, don't worry" I chuckled. "Promise?" He leaned closer so our noses were now touching. "Promise" He then kissed me, I immediately kissed back, my hands running through his hairs, but someone cleared their throat next to us. We jumped away from each other just to see a dwarf. "Y/N L/N?" I sighed while a Oliver rubbed the back of his neck. "Sadly. Just get on with it" He cleared his throat.
"You might be rejecting me
But deep down I know you love me
I'll reveal myself
If you promise to date me"
I sighed crossing my arms over my chest. "Let me guess, unclaimed" He nodded. "I'll tell him not to bother anymore" He pointed at both of us, I sighed. "Please do"  The dwarf left. "Please tell you aren't the one sending those retched dwarves" Oliver chuckled. "Not at all. If I wanted to do something romantic for you I would lock up Flint in a classroom and let you beat him again" I smirked. "You know me so well" He smirked back our noses touching again. "Now where were we?" I leaned closer our lips brushing together. "Right there" I kissed him and he kissed back, pulling me as close as I could get.

I somehow survived the rest of the day, dwarves kept coming with more poems and more embarrassment, but I survived until dinner. "Hello L/N" I groaned back at Angelina. "That bad?" I nodded and grabbed a piece of bread. "This wretched dwarves have been appearing way too many times today. And the guy won't even show himself" I sighed and grabbed the pumpkin juice again, it had amorentia again, I handed it to Angelina, she took it and smelled it. "Firework powder" I nodded, she handed me the pumpkin juice back. "They've also been trying to slip amorentia into my juice all day, I haven't drunk anything all day!" Suddenly I felt two presences behind me. "Hello Y/N/N" I sighed. "Freddie, Georgie" "We heard about your Valentine's problem" Fred started. "So we came to offer our pranking services" I chuckled. "When I figure out who it is, you guys have full permission to prank him, I'll keep the prefects of your back" They clapped my back. "Nice doing business with you" They left, leaving a faint smell of firework powder, I looked at Angelina smirking. "Firework powder?" She blushed and looked down. "Shut up" I laughed grabbing the pumpkin juice. "I ain't judging" I nearly drank the pumpkin juice but I remembered the love potion and groaned. "What's got you so angry L/N?" I groaned and handed Oliver the pumpkin juice, he smelled it. "Pumpkin pasties? Amorentia again?" I nodded and he sat down next to me, he sighed. "You haven't been able to drink anything all day?" I shook my head resting my head against my hand. He sighed and grabbed his pumpkin juice, he smelled it and then handed it to me. "Amorentia free" I reluctantly took it. "What about you?" He shook his head. "I'll survive" I nodded in thanks and drank the pumpkin juice, Angelina was smirking at us but her gaze then landed on someone behind me.

That someone cleared their throat, I turned to face my third year crush, Zachary King, a Hufflepuff. I stopped liking him when I realized he played girls, but I hadn't kept tabs on him since I started liking Oliver. "King" He smirked and winked. "Sure am" Oliver grumbled beside me, I had to contain a laugh. "You know what I meant" He smiled warmly. "I know" I crossed my arms over my chest. "What can I do for you King?" He smirked. "Did you like my poems?" I heard Oliver drop his fork next to me while I raised my eyebrows. "It was you?" He nodded. "You've been annoying the hell out of me all day?" He rubbed his neck. "Sorry, I thought you would find it romantic" I sighed. "Were you the one that slipped amorentia into my juice?" He shook his head confusedly. "I had nothing to do with that" I sighed. "You still haven't answered my question" He sighed and took my hand, Oliver tensed Yo beside me, again I had to stifle a laugh. "I've been meaning to ask since third year. Will you be my girlfriend?" All eyes were now on us, and Oliver was definitely two steps away from punching him. "King-" He smiled. "Zach" I sighed taking my hand back. "I'm sorry, but no" He stood up straight adjusting his tie, uuu's arose from the hall. (A/N: How the he'll do you describe that sound? 😂). "Sorry" He shook his head. "It's fine. Can I at least ask who's the lucky guy?" I shook my head biting my lip, it took all my willpower to not look at Oliver. "Well, make sure to tell him he's lucky" I nodded. "I will" He then left back to the Hufflepuff table, I turned back to see Angelina with her mouth wide open. "You just rejected the hottest guy in the school" I nodded. "I need some air" Oliver spoke abruptly and left.

"Wanna bet?" An Oliver Wood x reader (female)Where stories live. Discover now