I Love You Forever

966 19 12


~Typos and Wrong Grammar ahead
~No Matured Content
~it's Contains BadWords,BXB,ETC.



🍁 Felip Jhon Suson "Ken"

🍁 Myra Seth Bautista

🌱 Myra -Admirable
🌱 Seth - Appointed

📌Ken's Circle of Friends

🍂 Josh Cullen Santos "Josh"
🍃Justin's BoyFriend

🍂 John Paulo Nase "Sejun"
🍃Single unahin nya muna daw yung tatlo kesa sa Iba

🍂 Amaziah Zepra Aksha Custodio "Ziah"

🌱 Amaziah - Strength of God
🌱 Zepra - Limitless
🌱 Aksha - Immortal

🍃Bunso sa kanilang Apat
🍃Stell's GirlFriend

📌Myra Circle of Friends

🍂 Justin De Dios "Jah/Justin"
🍃Josh's Boyfriend

🍂 Roux Nya (Pronouns with Ni-ya) Ramos "Maria"

🍃Myra's Couz

🍂 StellVester Ajero "Stell"
🍃Kuya sakanilang Apat
🍃Ziah's BoyFriend

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