Day 2: A Day Out

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Adam woke up one lovely Saturday morning with his wife curled into his side. He smiled at her sleeping figure. She'd had a tough week teaching; it was reaching the end of the term, so all the students were becoming rowdy and restless. Adam stroked her hair and glanced over at the time, it was only 8.00. He sat for a while, deep in thought while he played with Barbara's soft hair. She'd tied it up in a bun before bed, but it'd come undone and now had beautiful waves all through it (and the hair tie was somewhere in their bed). The sun shifted and a beautiful golden light washed over Barbara's face. She looked like a goddess.

"Morning honey" said Barbara in a sleepy voice, looking up at Adam, who was gazing back down at her with a goofy smile on his face "What's got you so happy?"

"You" he said simply, and Barbara felt her heart melt. She sat up and gave him a short sweet kiss. Then she looked at the time and over at her husband.

"What do you want to do today?"

"Well, it's still early and the weather is beautiful" said Adam. Barbara's smile widened and she sat up more, looking at Adam excitedly. He smiled at his wife. "I was thinking, we could go for a walk and a picnic in the local park or somewhere else. What do you think?"

"Yes!" said Barbara, bouncing up and down and hugging him "Yes please" she looked at him and giggled happily "this is gonna be so fun, just what I need"

"Glad you like the idea" said Adam, grabbing his glasses and putting them on "how about we get dressed, grab a bit of breakfast and head off, we can take lunch with us. How's that sound?"

"Perfect" said Barbara. She gave him a kiss on the cheek and jumped up "I'll go have a shower and then we can talk about where we wanna go" Adam nodded and watched as she chose her outfit from the closet and hummed while she got dressed. Then she bounced downstairs to make breakfast. Adam got dressed and also headed downstairs. Barbara was finishing off a bowl of cereal and Adam saw a couple of pieces of toast set out for him. He sat down and held her hand tightly while they ate.

"So" said Adam when they'd finished "where do you wanna go?"

"I have a place" said Barbara. "I'll drive, I think you'll like it" Adam nodded, trusting her completely. They packed a small picnic and got in the car. All while Barbara drove, Adam had his hand resting on her thigh, the two of them happily talking.

The place Barbara took them was a national park 30 minutes away from their house. It was a beautiful park and had many good nature walks. Barbara led him to a small clearing surrounded by trees and birds chirping. The Maitlands set out their rug and weren't disturbed the whole day. The grass was scattered with little daisies and while they talked, Barbara made a beautiful daisy chain which she placed on Adam's head.

"Why do I get it?" he asked with a smile, gingerly touching it.

"Because it suits you" giggled Barbara. It was true, the daisies sat perfectly on Adams head and really did suit him. Adam lifted up the brim of Barbara's floppy sunhat to raise an eyebrow at her. She giggled and leant forward, her blonde hair tumbling over shoulders. Adam laughed and hit the hat off her head. She fake glared at him and laid her head down in his lap. He ran his fingers through her hair, and she closed her eyes. "Thanks for this Adam" she said "I really needed it"

"Kids being hard?" he asked, splitting her hair in two and starting to braid it.

"One wouldn't stop crying yesterday" she sighed "The poor darlings cat died. I've told him that he can give us a show and tell about the cat if he wants"

"What did he say?" asked Adam, continuing to braid her hair.

"He seemed really happy with the idea. He said he'd collect all the photos he could over the weekend, and I promised first thing Monday he could share it with us" Barbara opened her eyes and reached a hand up to stroke Adams face. "I told them I'd make a regular thing out of it. And you know what they said?"

"what?" asked Adam, knowing Barbara's class always said pretty funny things.

"They asked me if I'd bring something in for show and tell. They hear about you a lot because we do weekend sharing and they always make me do mine and you're always a part of my weekend sharing" she smiled up at her husband "they like to hear about Adam and what he does" Adam laughed and Barbara's eyes started to flutter shut. Adam leant down and kissed her forehead. She smiled and drifted off to sleep.

Barbara woke up and saw that the sun was setting. She sat up and saw Adam using his camera to take photos of the surroundings. She walked over to him and kissed the back of his neck. He jumped and turned around. 

"You're awake!" he said and she noticed the daisy chain still on his head, which made her smile a lot. "I let you sleep, you needed it"

"Thanks" said Barbara. "What are you doing?"

"Taking photos" said Adam "I'll show you them all when we get home" he glanced at his watch "speaking of which, we should get going" Barbara nodded and skipped over to the blanket, packing everything up. She walked back ahead of Adam for a bit, leading him out of the place. She didn't realise that he was secretly taking photos of her the whole way, the golden glow making her even more beautiful. Once they reached the carpark, Barbara stopped and held her hand out to Adam with a wide smile. He quickly took a photo of her and ran to catch up with her, taking her hand as they walked back to the car. They drove back talking about their day and what they'd do for dinner, deciding on pasta because they both didn't feel too bothered to cook. When they reached the house, they walked up to the front door together, their interlocked hands swinging between them. 

AN: So, what do we think of Adam being a photographer? I feel like he would bond with Lydia over it and it'd be cute! Anyway, thanks for reading! Hope you have a great day! Peace out ✌️

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