Saved by the shore

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I swam peacefully upon the beach when I noticed a man with a ripped shirt, and pants, almost exposing his tan skin. I quickly swam behind a jagged rock nearby, peering over the huge granite over to the mysterious being. I closed in on my super hearing, hearing his heartbeat and short breaths. I slowly flickered my black tail upon the shore of the beach, dragging my whole body to the unconscious man. I never came across a man on the sand before, where my father’s kingdom was located, no human being should be able to find it, even if they searched high and low. Curiosity guided my finger over the handsome man, and poked him.

“Mhm…” He groaned

I flicked back my white-blonde hair, and focused onto him.

‘Wake up.’ I thinked to him

Suddenly in a quick flash, I was pinned back with a rough hand up against my throat to prevent me from screeching. The mysterious man stared back at me, his chocolate brown hair looping on one side from the wetness of the ocean. His eyes traveled from mine down to my breasts, and then to my black tail. I flickered my tail up, but he was too fast! He released his hand that was pinning me down, and caught my black tail before I could swat him in the head. We both stared at each other quietly and harshly, that all you could hear was the ocean beating around us, and the wind whispering in our ears.

“Black mermaid? Blonde hair? I never came across this sort of breed in my life…” The mystery guy had a strong British accent, making me blush a little.

He slowly released my neck, and tail, and then I started dragging myself towards the ocean.

“Wait… I-I have so many questions..” The man helplessly looked at me

I turned towards him and took in his looks. He wore a black shirt with a white line down across in an angle, but it now was a mess of fabric that looked like he was battling against a lion. Then his denim pants were also had the same scratch marks, and he wore no shoes. The handsome being had a little stubble across his well-defined jaw with bright blue eyes that you could drown in for days, funny because I’m a mermaid. We can’t drown.

“What is it that you need?” I spoke calmly

“You tell me, I woke up on this land, and for some reason, I am super fast, and can hear all things around me, and I feel pains at my teeth and-”

“Handsome creature,” I smiled, “You are in transition.”

“Wh-what?” The man looked at me in confusion, but then blushed when he realized I was not wearing a top.


I chuckled a bit. “My dear friend, it’s just a tradition that us mermaids have, ever since the beginning of our specie.”

“Interesting, I love history, but tell me later after you explained to me what this transition stuff is!” He was panicking a bit

“Vampire. You’re a vampire.” I answered

“I can’t be, I mean, I thought this was all mythical! Well, besides the midnight walk I had- oh no…” The British man trailed off

I shook my head in a sad manner, “Never walk alone at night, that is a terrible decision.”

“I didn’t even knew that this whole thing existed! Wait, does that mean Greek mythology is true too?” The man kept popping questions

I felt overwhelmed, but excited at the same time. I never was able to get company at my home under the water. Sure my parents are the Queen and King, and sure I could get anyone to hangout with me, but the only problem: my tail and hair. In the whole lineage of mermaids of royalty, or mermaids in general, everyone had colorful, beautiful scales and breathtaking hair. Then there were the mermaids that worked for Hades, having black tails, and black hair. Luckily for me, I had white-blonde hair, but that didn’t stop anyone from avoiding me. My parents didn’t understand what happened within the genetic system, so they had all the wisest people come from all over the world to help explain. None of them were able to properly answer, until my mother was fully determined and went to the sacred oracle on the huge mountain top of the island. My mother used my father’s tritan, and rose herself with the water up to the top, and dragged herself to the oracle, and finally the question that haunted them was answered. Apparently, there was no mistake genetically, but it was all up to my heart. If my heart yearned for goodness, then one day my tail will glow and be the most beautiful tail out of tail history, but if my heart yearns for darkness until the years of my death, my scales will continue to be matte black. For many years since the age I could speak, I tried and yearned for goodness, but the tail continued to stay the same color, black. I never had any dark thoughts or actions, but I still didn’t understand. I hated myself for my looks, and felt insecure. I would watch the rest of my siblings have fun, date, and play around while I was stuck inside helping to do chores, or listen to music.

“Hello?” The British man waved his hands frantically in front of my face, breaking my trance.

I blinked my eyes rapidly and gave my best smile.

“Some stories in the so-called Greek Mythology is true, some are not.” I answered politely

“Is Aphrodite real?” He asked

“Mhm,” I nodded, “She’s actually my aunt, although she is up there with Zeus.” I pointed skyward

The man looked up in awe and excitement. He then sat crisscross by me, and stretched his arms.
“What’s your name anyways? Thank you for being here…” He mumbled

“My name is Karajunta, although it sounds like theres an H instead of a J.” I grinned happily

“That’s a beautiful name, mine is soo boring!” The vampire whined

“What is it?” I asked

“My name is Dan.”

“Just Dan?” I laughed

“Well my full name is Daniel Campbell Smith, what’s your full name?” Dan poked at my side

I swished my tail at his back quickly, and caught him off guard.

He groaned, and winced a bit.

“You’ll heal within an hour, my friend.” I explained

Dan cleared his throat and stood straighter. “That didn’t hurt.”

I raised a brow at him, and shook my head, my hair falling forward.

“So, what’s my superpowers?” The hot vampire questioned

I have studied all species, so I am aware of all the powers.

“You have: 1. Ability to hear things from great distances 2. Abnormally fast speed 3. Suck blood with your fangs 4. Super strength and 5. Immortal. But you have couple of weaknesses.” I explained

“Like what?”

“Well, as an example, for me, although we may look gentle and innocent, our singing can take any living thing under our command for a certain amount of time, which is dangerous.” I explained. “And although we are slow on land, we are as fast as you are in the water, and we can hear and think your thoughts. We are not immortal, but you Vampires can burn in the sun, so night and shades are your guides.”

“Also, my father is the king of the ocean, enough said.” I laughed

“If I can burn in the sun, how am I still alive?” Dan asked

“Your in the process of transition, it’s not until its complete that you can burn, but if I were you, I would stay in a cool area for the whole time.”

Dan thanked me, and before I knew it, the sun was waving its last bright rays goodbye before Luna, the moon, came out to play.

“Oh, I must go, Father is going to get worried.” I started panicking a little

Our kingdom did not allow species to mix, but I didn’t want to tell Dan that yet, I actually like him.

“Bye Karajunta, see you tomorrow?” Vampire Dan asked hopefully

I smiled and nodded, and swam back into the depths of the beautiful ocean, squirming with excitement for the next day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2015 ⏰

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