Chapter Ten.

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Chapter Ten| Grant Miller Part 3

Taylor came to tied to a chair in an old building. Grant was standing in front of her gun in hand. Her eyes widened and she screamed. He grinned as he ran his hand over her cheek.

"Together at last my love."

"Grant what are you doing?" She asked calmly. "Abducting a cop? Violating a restraining order? That's not you."

"That's not me? Don't you get it Taylor? You're mine! You're my wife!" He screamed punching the wall.

"But I'm not! We've been separated for three years! The only reason we are still married is because you won't sign the God damn papers." She seethed. He turned to her rageful.

"Shut up! I am your husband you won't speak to me like that." He screamed as he started punching. He kept punching. He didn't stop for hours. No matter how much he hit her she wouldn't beg him to stop. She wouldn't let him see fear. 
  "Serg!" Adam said signalling that they had a lead. It was 32 hours after Taylor's abduction and everyone was out looking even thw men and women if 51. Anyone that had a second to spare.

"What do you got?" Voight asked.

"There's a house five minutes from 51. Seller said the buyer paid cash twice the asking price. four months ago. Right around the time Taylor came back to Chicago." Adam said.

"Okay and how does this help us find Taylor and Grant?" Voight asked.

"I was getting to that. Seller kept a record of the sale. He sold the house to a Grant Wallis." Adam rushed.

Voight nodded and they got into action getting a team together.


"Grant.. Grant baby I'm sorry. I'll be good just let me out. " Taylor yelled. She heard footsteps and the door opened. Grant eyed her before taking off the rope and walking her out of the room. They walked upstairs out of what looked to be the basement.  When they reached the top Taylor was shocked. The interior of the house looked like their house.

Grant guided her through the house. She could barely stand or keep her eyes open. "Do you like it?" "O..of course." She stuttered. "Someone wants to see you." He whispered kissing her head before dragging her to the living room. Sleeping on the couch was a blonde little girl.

"G..grant. That's not Gwynne..." She stuttered as he gripped her torso tightly as they heard. "Chicago PD!" Voight yelled before the door  was kicked in and Intelligence came in with rifles. Grant gripped Taylor tightly and pulled her back to the wall to their right. His back to it he pressed the pistol to Taylor's temple. "Stay back! Come any closer and I shoot!" He yelled.
"Grant my name is Hank Voight. Taylor's my daughter now put the gun down." Hank said gun raised. His eyes trained on Taylor as she lazily shook her head. 

"Tay tell them. Tell them to leave our family alone!" He yelled shaking her so she didn't pass out.
Taylor had tears streaming down her face not out of fear but because her body was succumbing to her injuries. She wouldn't stay conscious for long. She knew that. Her priority was getting that little girl out of here.
"G.. Grant look at her... that's not our baby....shes gone you know that..." She pleaded as they both turned to the sleeping child on the sofa who was covered with a blanket.

"No! No! Don't say that that's Gwynne! That's our baby girl!" He screamed pressing the gun harder into Taylors head.

"Now!" Taylor mouthed to Jay who rushed over in a split second taking the sleeping child outside. A split second later Grant began to squeeze the trigger. Taylor looked into her dad's eyes and nodded. Hank shot Grant in the head. He dropped to the floor releasing Taylor. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she collapsed. The adrenaline in her body had ran out.  Hank rushed and caught her. Adam and Kevin checked to see that Grant was dead and cleared the rest of the house. They found two other blonde two year old little girls. Once again paramedics rushed Taylor to Chicago med.
Forty-five minutes later, All of firehouse 51, Intelligence, half of CPD, and those of Chicago med who weren't working on Taylor waited in the surgical floor wait room.
Once again Will Halstead had been consulting with Connor Rhodes on their friends injuries. Nero was paged when they noticed a brain bleed and rushed her to surgery. Her injuries were significant. Severe internal bleeding and possible brain damage. Connor walked out a somber look on his face. Maggie eyed him as she and everyone else stood up. Voight, Severide and Jay all went up to Connor.

"What is it Doc? How is she?" Voight asked.

Connor took of his surgical cap with a sigh. "We discovered severe internal bleeding in several parts of her body including her brain. She had a punctured lung, three fractured ribs and swelling of her brain and a skull fracture. We stopped the bleeding but we won't know if she has any brain damage till the swelling goes down and she wakes up.
Taylor opened her eyes but was blinded by bright light. She closed them quickly before opening them again. She groaned and Jay, Kelly, Hank all rose to their feet. Hank approached her and gripped her hand. "How you feeling kid?" He asked with a smile. "...what.. happened?" She rasped. "Grant abducted you. But your safe now." Kelly said. "Grant and I were just in Iraq what are you talking about?" She cried. Voight looked at the two younger men before signalling for Jay to get Will.

"Hi Taylor I'm Will Halstead, your doctor. Can you tell me what the last thing your remember is?" He asked as Jay reluctantly left the room at Kelly's request.

"I remember Grant and I leaving base to go home. Then I woke up here. Where's Grant? Why did  he call dad and Kelly?" She said.

"Okay uh Voight would you like to explain so I can explain her condition?" Will quizzed.

"I uh yeah. Kid listen. It's been a few years since you were last with Grant. Almost four." Voight said.

Taylor's eyes widened and shut as she groaned realizing it was a dream. She remembered and part of her wished she'd be able to forget.

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