Chapter 1

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Miyuki senpai! Catch my pitches!

Miyuki Kazuya!

We will be the best battery in Japan!

Pitching is an art created by the pitcher and the catcher!

Senpai.... Wait for me okay?

Those words echoed in miyuki's mind, words that his former high school battery partner always shouts in his ears.

Oh how he missed those times

It's been roughly 5 years since anybody has heard from sawamura, there were rumors every now and then but none were proven to be true.

He has never made contact with anybody for the past years, not even chris nor haruichi.

Miyuki sighed in relief now that it's the off season, being the main catcher for the Yomiuri Giants is a tiring thing, kuramochi and todoroki kept him busy all the time.

He finally got time for himself in his usual apartment, that was short lived though when his phone rang on his bedside table.

He grunted before getting up and clearing his throat before picking up his phone, he grimaced after seeing the name of the caller.

"What is it kura-" "Oi! Miyuki where are you?! Did you forget about our surprise for the Coach Kataoka?"

Oh shi-

"Ah, I'll be there stop worrying so much kuramochi" Miyuki said before rusing to get himself ready, he is lucky that Seido was just a few minute drive from his apartment.

Once he arrived in front of the school he was immediately met with his high school teammates, some weren't present due to their jobs but most of the first string members from high school were present.

Even Okumura was here, even though we all know that Seto dragged him to go here.

Chris was here too, he went back from America to join in on the surprise celebration.

But there were no signs of sawamura.

"You're late you four eyed bastard!" Kuramochi yelled

Everyone was dressed in their casual yet formal clothes, some brought presents and A LOT of food.

Miyuki ignored kuramochi who was noe being held down by ryousuke, yeah we know there is some history with those two.

"He's not here huh" Miyuki whispered to himself but unfortunately for him people actually heard him

"I sent him a message about today a few weeks ago but he never replied" Haruichi said

Everyone knows about eijun sudden disappearance from the baseball community, he and miyuki made high school baseball history together during sawamura's second year.

And of course it was pretty obvious to everyone that the two have some unfinished business with each other, anybody could tell about the battery's feelings towards each other.

When miyuki graduated he regretted not telling sawamura about his feelings, when the golden eyed pitcher disappeared without a word that regrets always rested heavily on miyuki's chest.

It's been years yet he couldn't forget about his battery partner, his feeling remains the same after all the time that has passed.

"Enough of that, it should be about time the coach is on the field so let's start the set up in the cafeteria" Ryousuke said

The large group went to the cafeteria avoiding as much attention as possible, they went around the field hoping that the coach wouldn't notice them sneaking around.

Once they made it to the cafeteria, there was no time to waste and they began their decorations.

After they finished all they had to do was wait patiently, once they heard Coach kataoka's voice approaching the doors they got into position ready to surprise the coach.

Coach Kataoka was definitely surprised to see them, even the team who immediately freaked out and ran to get autographs from them

Many of the alumni brought their baseball uniforms and equipment, it was a nice gift for Coach Kataoka and the current team to see how far training gets you.

Of course before that they had a few snacks and went to chat for a while, they gave their thanks and gifts to the coach.

"Coach, there's one more message" Rei said with a smile, she opened her laptop to face the coach and the group.

"Is this on? "

The familiar voice made everyone's voice hitch, they eyes widened at the sight of their former ace on the screen, his hair was shorter but still visibly fluffy, he seemed more buff and his golden eyes still shined brightly.

"Boss! Happy 40th birthday!! This Sawamura Eijun wishes you a good birthday! Oh! And I sent this video to Rei-san a week before your birthday! As you can see I'm at the airport! I know about everybody's plan about your surprise birthday and I don't want to miss out on it!"

Just like that the video ended, everybody was still in shock after hearing the familiar loud voice, but it couldn't compare to how shocked they were when that same person burst through the door and tackled the coach

"BOSSSSS!!!!" He yelled

Rei only chuckled at everyone's reaction to the new yet familiar presence in the room, she knew about sawamura's arrival and he was been waiting to go in at the right time to surprise everybody.

After the two composed themselves together sawamura was now the one who was being tackled by kuramochi and Jun.

"Bakamura!! Where have you been?!" Kuramochi said locking eijun into a headlock.

On top of that sawamura received a chop on the head from ryousuke, a kick on the back from Jun and another hit from kuramochi.

But once every thing cleared all eyes were now on miyuki, the players knew that the two should have a little chat.

The two looked at each other as if it was love at first sight, it was clearly visible that their feelings for each other never faded after all this time.

"Miyuki senpai! Long time no see!" Eijun flashed a smile, it was the smile that miyuki always dreamed of seeing again, the same golden eyes shining and locked on to his own hazel eyes.

"Took you long enough" Miyuki smiled back extending his hand to help the southpaw stand up which sawamura gratefully accepted and grabbed the other's hand and pulled himself up, eyes still locked on to each other's that was until a flash came from the crowd which was identified from Ryousuke with his phone out and a grin forming on his face.

"Wait for Me" Ace of Diamond FanficWhere stories live. Discover now