Are We More Than Friends? [6]

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"Mom, this is as important to me as it is to you. I'm just curious is all, wanted to know what happened." She said. Natasha sighed but nodded. "We didn't really find much but we'll keep trying, I promise. Love you." She said. "Love you, too." And then the line went dead. Natasha made sure to double check that the phone called had ended before she burst into tears. Sam reached up from the backseat next to Steve and rubbed her shoulder supportively. Tony looked over and sighed. "Any particular reason you lied?" He asked, knowing that's what they all wanted to know. Natasha wiped her face and looked back up at her teammate. "Am I a weak person, Tony?" She asked, her tone cold. Tony paused before answering. "No." He said. Her gaze returned to the front of her as she contemplated her response. "Then believe me when I tell you that it even hurts me to be wonder. I have so much hope and part of me wishes I didn't, because knowing she's alive only makes me want to search every book and every manuscript to try and find a way to get her out. Imagine what a teenager with hormones and over reactions with impulse control would do with the simple information that her mother is alive and in a magical realm that we have no idea how to get her out of." 

After she finished Sam picked up the conversation from a different topic. "So Sapphire's powers." He started. Natasha sighed again. "Honestly there is so much going on right now." She admitted. Everyone in the car nodded. "But I do think she has them, if anything some form of super intelligence." She added. "But she can read emotions, I mean she read yours back at the tower." Tony added. "So mind control?" "Not exactly, she didn't read my mind she read my emotions, what I was feeling which related to what I was thinking but then afterwards it was blatantly obvious." "What?" "My point is, I don't think she's a physic, I think she can read emotions." 


"I'm a what?" Sapphire asked. "An empath." Natasha said as she slammed down a selection of dust covered books Sapphire had the strange suspicion she was going to have to read. "You have the ability to read other people's emotions. Although, it goes deeper, you can not only read other peoples emotions but you can share them, take them and exploit them." "So why can't I do that now?" Sapphire asked, pulling her newly straightened hair to the side. "Well probably because you're just figuring out your powers." "So that doesn't explain why I'm so smart." Sapphire added. "Way to be humbled, kiddo. But as an empath you can take other people emotions or use them, I think that you've been subconsciously taking knowledge from the people your around. As a baby you were always around your mom and her friends so I think that you were using their knowledge with your powers, thus why you were so evolved." 

"So I made them dumber? Oh my god, am I doing that now?" She asked, a little panicked as she grabbed her head. "That's not how it works. "You see, you can only take on strong emotions or feelings. If someone is having a panic attack you would be able to take away their panic or share it, the panic would then transfer to you regardless." Natasha laughed as her daughter stopped panicking. "So I wasn't taking their knowledge I was just using it but it was never gone." Sapphire explained more to herself then to Natasha. "Exactly." The spy responded anyway. "So that brings us to why we're here also, you need to train." She revealed. Sapphire moved to the other side of the table and grabbed an apple before taking a bite. "'Thought you said training wasn't a good idea?" She questioned. Natasha sighed. "Yeah well, a little birdy convinced me that not training you would be more of a disservice than anything else." She smiled as she swatted at Sapphire to put the apple down and follow her to the training hall. "By birdy do you mean, Sam?" She asked, curiosity filling her tone.

Natasha rolled her eyes as they turned a corner. "First off, before you even go there, I've been working with Sam for awhile now, we're friends." Natasha coaxed. "Yeah, and Peter and I were bestfriends before we started dating." "That's different." Natasha argued. "How exactly?" Sapphire countered. "...It just is. Sam is...he's great, he is but dating him would be like betraying..."

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