we go in and a few people glance at Peeta but all of them just continue on with their morning antics.

"Katniss!" Haymitch calls out waving me towards him.

i tell Peeta to give me a minute and make my way over to the corner.

"what?" i ask softly.

"be careful, that one looks smart. he better not figure you out or you're father will have my head for sure." he scolds in a slurred menacing way.

yeah hes slightly drunk already and its only 7 in the morning.

"i know. i'll be careful." i say quietly before heading back over to where Peeta stands, looking completely dumbfounded.

i know what to do now.

"Haymitch i'm leaving. if my father asks tell him i'll be by as soon as i can." i say giving him that if you dont listen to me i'll call my daddy look and smiling sweetly. "hey Peeta, want a tour of the campus?" i ask.

right now my main priority is spending time with Peeta and getting him on my good side. because friends means security, and a safe secret.

"yeah sure. what did you say your last name was again?" he asks.

i didnt.

"uhh.... Everdeen. Katniss Everdeen." i lie using my fake name.

Everdeen- is my mother's last name.

father doesnt like to talk about her.

he says hes raising me so i dont become "as much of a bitch as she was."

"aren't we missing class right now?" he asks nervously.

"no. you have study hall for an hour and a half every day. so we have time." i say turning down the next hallway. "this is the science wing. you have Trinket next. avoid talking mmuch in her class. unless you want me to get you out of trouble. i can do that. then down this hallway is the labs. whenever you do expirements or computer tech work you go to these rooms. they think its safer that way. then out here you get into the math building." i say opening the door for him to walk out.

"what does Mr. Abernathy teach?" he says.

"science. well hes supposed to teach science but he doesnt really teach anything. but if hes in a good mood he can show the class how to mix together a Bloody Mary." i say shyly.

"wow." is all he says, shocked.

"alright 3rd period you have Undersee. thats my friend Madge's mother. she gets horrible migranes but other than that shes okay. then down here they have a starbucks, its expensive but thats only because they know everyone here is rich." i ramble.

he gets an odd look on his face when i mention that.

"so what hall is your dorm in?" i ask just trying to keep up a conversation.

"uhh....actually i comute. thats the only way i could afford to go here." he mummbles, like hes ashamed of himself.

"oh, are you on scholarship, that gets a good rep around here." i say simply trying to make him feel more comfortable.

"no. but it took most of our savings. i'm assuming you live in the nicer hall." he persumes.

"yeah actually... i do...." i say lying once again. "at least you dont have a roomate then. there are some bad girl fights in Edmond Hall." i say.

"well i have two older brother who live to annoy me. and my dad....and my mom." he says shuttering a little on the last part.

we finish walking all around the school campus and about an hour later the bell rings signalling the end of study hall.

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