Night Terrors Part #1

Começar do início

The hair on the back of his neck stood on end when an all too familiar chuckle rose from the shadows. "Mmm...I don't think that you're in any position to make demands, Estéban."

Esteban's eyes bulged when a woman stepped out of the darkness, raven hair pulled back revealing a pale, heart shaped face, almond shaped emerald eyes blazing in the torch light. Her crimson lips parted in a cold smile.

Esteban took a step back his face completely draining of color as he stared in horror at the sorceress. "Shuriki..."

"I know you've missed me," she purred.

Esteban shook his head. "No...thie cannot be. I...I watched you fall off the palace bridge. The drop one could've survived that."

Her malicious grin widened to reveal a long set of sharp, pearlescent fangs. "Is that so, Estéban?"

Esteban turned on his heel and fled back into the main hall running as fast and far as his feet would carry him. He had to get to Isa's rooms. If to her first...there was absolutely no telling what she'd do to his beloved cousin.

He made it to the staircase leading up to the corridor where Isabel's room sat at the end of the hall. Esteban ascended the steps two at a time praying he'd get there before Shuriki.

His prayers, however, went unanswered as the moment he pushed open the door, he found Isa's room completely in ruins. It looked as if some sort of wild animal had torn through the entire room like a hurricane. Everything had been destroyed. The balcony doors ripped off their hinges, the bed curtains, sheets and blankets shredded. Splinters of wood littered the floor as did shards of broken glass.

Shuriki stood amongst the ruins of the razed chamber cradling Isabel to her chest. The young girl laid limp in the witch's arms staring up at her captor with a vacant expression. All of the color had drained from her face and bright scarlett stained the white lace collar of her blush pink velvet and satin nightgown. Esteban took a step back gaping as Shuriki cooed and crooned softly to the half conscious child.

The sounds she made were something a normal person couldn't have managed. He wasn't certain what exactly had happened after her fall from the palace bridge, but Shuriki was no longer just a sorceress. How she'd become what she was now, he didn't know, but whatever Shuriki had done, it had changed the woman into something else. She wasn't human anymore.

"What have you done...?"

"Nothing too strenuous," she answered, nuzzling the girl's cheek. "You know, Estéban...I have always wanted an heir, but were always so uncooperative when it came to providing me with one, so I think I'm going to keep this darling child. She's a fighter, and with her brilliant mind, there's no real limit to what we can achieve."

Esteban frowned. "We...?"

Shuriki tsked and wagged a finger at him. "Esté didn't really believe I'd ever let you go...did you? You are the key to ensuring Avalor's continuing success. My little kingdom just wouldn't be the same or run half as smoothly as it does without you here. I need you. We both do, don't we, dear?"

Isabel didn't speak or move as Shuriki stroked her long, loose, wavy, warm chestnut brown tresses.

"What have you done to mi prima?" Esteban demanded.

"Oh, nothing permanent," Shuriki assured him.

"Why doesn't she speak or move?"

"She's feeling a bit drained-the poor thing."

"You fed off of her?! You leech! Isa, por favor, say something!"

"Stop your shouting," Shuriki hissed. "It won't do any good. She's temporarily comatose. I put her in a deep sleep so she wouldn't be such a handful."

"Give her here!"

Shuriki flashed her fangs at him with an inhuman snarl. "You dare to give me orders? You've forgotten your place, chancellor. Bow before your queen! Unless you want me to finish what I started forty-one years ago?"

Esteban held up his hands in surrender. "Mercy, por favor! Shuriki, I beg you, don't! Isa's the only familia I have left!"

Shuriki quirked an eyebrow. "I'm waiting..."

Esteban forfeited what little pride and dignity he had left as he lowered himself down on his hands and knees and bowed at Shuriki's feet. He'd submit to the witch if only to ensure Isa's safety.

Shuriki practically purred in pleasure as she watched him bow so low his nose touched the floor. She made him kiss the toe of her velvet covered stiletto shoe before tucking it under his chin to forcibly lift his head so she could see his face. "That wasn't so difficult, was it?"

Esteban's amber eyes strung with unshed tears. His entire body trembled, yet somehow he managed to keep his voice steady. "No, Your Grace."

"Good boy."

She dropped Isabel into his arms and beckoned for him to follow as she walked out of the room. Esteban did as directed fearing she would kill him and Isa if he dared to refuse.

Though...thinking about it now...perhaps death itself would've been kinder. He couldn't even imagine the horrors the witch must've had in store for them now that she was queen again. Esteban knew Shuriki too well, and he also pitied the citizens, maybe even more than he did Isa or himself. All of Avalor would suffer her wrath. It was simply a matter of when not if. The only question was whether or not they'd survive.

Shuriki x Esteban RequestsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora