Day 1: Wedding

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Barbara nervously paced her bedroom at her mother's house, twisting her hands nervously. Her younger sister Hannah had already come in to wish her a happy wedding day before she went off to Adam's apartment (he two were really close, which Barbara loved). Her mum had just left after doing her hair in a beautiful waterfall braid with flowers weaved through it. There was a knock on the door and her 14-year-old sister Sam poked her head inside. She was in her beautiful dress and had her hair in a beautiful braided style.

"Hey Sammy" said Barbara, sitting down on the bed and patting the space next to her. Sam bounced over to her and sat next to her. "You look so beautiful"

"Are you gonna put your dress on?" asked Sam "Because we gotta go off soon"

"Yeah" said Barbara, starting to fiddle with her hands again. Sam looked at her sister in a weird way. She'd never seen Barbara so nervous. Her older sister had always been so calm and collected, never nervous. Sam gently put her arms around her sister and laid her head on Barbara's shoulder. Barbara smiled and leant into Sam. "Thanks Sam" said Barbara.

"You gonna put your dress on now?" asked Sam

"Go get mum and then I will" said Barbara. Sam leapt up and ran out the room, returning a second later with their mum, Jill, and little brother Liam. "Hey guys" she said, standing up and picking her little brother up.

"Hey" said Jill "Wanna get this dress on?"

"Let's do this" said Barbara smiling. As she got into her dress and left the house she wondered if Adam was as terrified as her.

"Why did she choose me?" asked Adam, sitting down in a side room of the local church. Hannah was watching him from the corner of the room with a smile. "I mean, look at me and then look at her. She's beautiful, talented, popular, stunning, amazing and perfect. Then there's me" he gestured to himself and put his head in his hands. Hannah walked over to him and gently put a hand on his back. He looked up at her "Hannah, why am I doing this?"

"Because you love Barbara" said Hannah simply.

"Does she love me though?" asked Adam, putting his head back on his hands.

"Adam, have you seen how she looks at you? She melts" said Hannah "you make her so happy. I've honestly never seen Barb so happy. When she's with you she lights up and is so happy and bouncy. When she still lived at home, after you'd leave, she'd get all sad but if someone mentioned you the tiniest smile would appear on her face. You two are soul mates Adam" Hannah sat down next to him and leant into his shoulder. "You belong with her"

"Thanks" said Adam. He gave Hannah a brief hug before his sister, Belle, walked into the room and told him that the ceremony was starting and that he needed to go into the church. Adam gave Hannah a big hug before walking past his sister and walking into the church.

Barbara stood nervously by the doors to the main part of the church. Her mother stood next to her and they watched as Adam's niece and Sam walked down the aisle scattering flower petals as they went. When it was her turn, she gripped her mum's arm and Jill leant into her daughter.

"Your dads watching you" she whispered "and he's so proud of you" Barbara smiled and kissed her mum's cheek before they walked down the aisle. Barbara caught sight of Adam at the alter and nearly burst into tears there. He was crying, which made her want to cry. Her mum kissed her hand as she handed her daughter to Adam. Then she took her seat and the ceremony started. In short it was very sweet. Both Adam and Barbara cried and many of the guests did too. The vowels were very heart felt and Adam barely got through his without crying. Barbara started crying as soon as she started but she managed to get through it.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife" said the minister "You may now kiss the bride" Adam smiled the biggest smile he could and gently grabbed Barbara. She wrapped her arms around his neck and the shared a very sweet kiss. The church broke into applause and Adam and Barbara shared another shorter kiss before exiting the church and going to the venue where the afterparty was being held.

"I can't believe we're married" giggled Barbara in the car on the way over. Adam grabbed her hand and kissed it gently.

"How does it feel?" he asked, shifting closer to her.

"Does what feel?" asked Barbara, leaning into him and kissing his cheek.

"Being a Maitland" he said very quietly into her hear. Barbara giggled and kissed him deeply. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her back. Eventually she broke the kiss for air and looked at him.

"It feels amazing" she grabbed his left hand and examined his ring "Mrs Barbara Maitland" she giggled but couldn't stop the massive smile that crept onto her face "Has a nice ring to it" they pulled up to the venue and Adam helped her out of the car. They danced the night away with their friends and family, it was one of the best days of their lives. 

AN: Hey! I hope y'all like these! I'll try to update them everyday but school may make that difficult. I hope this one is good! I haven't really proof read it but I hope that you like it anyway! Have a great day! Peace out ✌️

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