Chapter 1 - A New Start

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Y/N - 14, a first year student at Eastwood Academy
MOM (JAMIE) - 45, the overprotective mom
DAD (CHARLES) - 47, super close with Y/N but doesn't show it
JAVIER (JAVI) - 15, Y/N'S new friend, and a second year student at Eastwood Academy

My mother and I had just arrived to the airport and taking out my suitcases from the trunk of our car. Once we were finished with that, my mom was asking me if I had everything I needed. "Do you have your passport? What about your ticket? Money and extra snacks in case you get hungry?" "YES MOM" I replied "I have everything I need" I had two hours before
I was going to leave for my flight and man, those two hours were probably the hardest two hours for my mom. "Aww my little bookworm is going to the school I went to as a kid." My mom said. I hated when she called me a bookworm, but it was true, I loved reading. Like really so much that out of my five suitcases, one of them was filled with only books. My mom was in tears asking multiple times if I was sure I wanted to do this and with every time she asked me that question I simply responded with no and that I would be fine. My mom decided to leave and hour later because she had to pick up my dad from work. I was waiting for another hour and finally, the lady announced that my flight was boarding so I went to go get my passport and ticket checked and boarded on the we plane. I found my seat and quietly sat down. No one came in my row for the first 15 minutes which was fine I guess because it gave me time to connect my AirPods to my phone and get settled in for a long flight To Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.

As I left the airport to pick up Charles from the airport I couldn't help but to think about my little bookworm all by herself at a new school. The worst part about this situation is that only me and her have powers and Charles doesn't. He is a glum, also known as a normal person. I had to tell him that it was a regular boarding school and that it would be good for Y/N to be a little bit more independent considering the fact that we always were with her. I just hope she does well in school, and that she finds some friends.

I was finally settled in my seat with my AirPods listening to Classic by MKTO, I felt someone tap on my shoulder. When I took out my AirPods and turned I saw a boy, around my age maybe 14 or 15 , really tall, with messy brown hair and dark green eyes. "Hello?" He said and I immediately stopped zoning out and came back to reality "Oh sorry I zoned out." I replied. "No it's fine I get it, I'm Javier Sanders but you can call me Javi." He puts his hand out to shake and I awkwardly do so. I noticed his huge hands with 2 rings on each hand and couldn't help but stare. "So what's your name?" He asked. I just said "Y/N L/N." "Wow, that's a beautiful name." he said and all I could do was blush and say thanks. He then tells me that his seat was right next to mine and settles down in the seat. As the people sit down in their seats telling their kids to behave during the flight, and young business owners taking phone calls, Javi asks me this "So what brings you here Y/N?" "Well I'm supposed to be going to this boarding school called Eastwood Academy and it's my first year." I said. "Wait really? Well guess what, I'm going there too, I'm in my second year though" He responded, and I couldn't believe it, I had already met someone who has powers and that is going to the same school as me. "Wow that's really cool!"  I responded because those were the only words that came out of my mouth due to me being in shock. We were chatting for the next 20 minutes when the flight attendant was giving directions. I check my phone and I had received a text from my mom so I texted her back.

Hey honey, are you settled in the plane, did anything bad happen??
                           Lol mom I'm doing just fine and              
                           everything went well 👍
Ok honey make sure to text me when you
land love you ❤️❤️
                                   K mom love u too!!❤️❤️❤️

She said her name was Y/N such a delicate name. She looked so sweet and nice I couldn't wait for us to get to Eastwood Academy. I would get to see all my power pals, and maybe even get to know Y/N more. She seemed a little scared for her first year and I get that, I was that kid last year but once you figure out how the system works, you basically mastered being on time with class, maybe with the help of me that might will be possible. I mean sure I'm a good student with all A's, and all the popular girls had a crush on me, and I could choose any of them, but Y/N seemed different, more precious like and I liked that. We chatted a bit more and I told her some things about the school "Oh and don't worry about the popular girls they don't even treat themselves as girls who are popular, they are really kind and sweet not like your average public school girls!" I told her and she laughed, it was so heart warming to see her smile and not worrying about any negative vibes. Then, as the plane took off, the most happiest thing happened to me that made me smile.

Hey guys let me clarify some things up.
𒊹︎I still don't know if I will do a series I'm still thinking about it
𒊹︎I'm make Javi and Y/N get together
𒊹︎I will post a new chapter every Saturday
𒊹︎Feel free ro comment some ideas thoughout the story
𒊹︎I'm thinking of sticking to 1000 words per chapter for nowbut I will most likely change that if y'all like this story
𒊹︎And that is pretty much it I will give new
updates next friday!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2020 ⏰

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